I don't have a huge need for BT so I ended up buying the OTTOs last night. I looked at these and this pair for about 3 hours. The Ottos have a 3 year warranty and w/ my AMEX it gives me another year. These have a 1 year warranty w/ a deductible. Hopefully the OTTOs are good or I'm going back to Over the ear. Sordin just came out w/ an improved MSA
Glad to finally see a video on these. I’ve had mine for a week or two and have had them out for a 4 hour range day. They did a good job.
So far I’ve only used mine while cutting the grass and using power tools, they work great!
I bought the Axil GS 2.0 partially because of this channel's recommendation. I sent 'em back. They cut out to block the sound of gunfire just fine, but the sound didn't cut back in quickly enough, and I discovered that I had difficulty conversing with people at the range. Not a fan of Axil and their undeserved hype. The first priority should be making a great product, not marketing a crappy product with influencers.
I have the wired BT Axil in ear ones. They are ok for pistol outdoors, not enough protection for rifle or indoors.
I have been using my Axil GS 2.0 for almost two years now on the same pair. I use them for full days. And I use them a lot. They have been perfect. Never any issues. The music quality is fair to say the least. But I don’t use them for music. Just shooting.
I had mine for 6 months. After the second time through the laundry, they stopped working. They were pretty comfortable, even while wearing for multiple hours. And have a good battery life.
I just got a pair of the AXIL and I like them. But I think they should make software for the plugs just like the ones made by Walker. By using software, it would make them easier to use!
Thinking I may prefer the OTTOs. Reliable and incredible battery life.
Perfect for farmers or heavy machinery operators as well.
I don't really trust Axil as a company, their early products were trash and they paid influencers to push the product and try to generate enough hype to drown out the negativity.
I've had the wired Axil model (don't remember the model name) and have since gone to the Xcor. I wasn't happy with the first (xtreme?). The Xcor are fantastic. For me, I use two different size foam ends as I guess my ear canals are different. I use them indoors with a .380, 9mm and 556 in complete comfort with Spotify going. They were even excellent indoors next to the guy shooting 10mm. My advice is to experiment with the different tips to find the best fit.
Nice little Easter egg towards the end of the video. Huge Walkers banner on the wall at the start position.
Got a pair so far love them. Still need pelators (unless better recommendations) my helmet but these are great for range day and riding the mower.
After my 2nd dwployment i lost the hearing in my left ear. We used the issued squishy plugs. Now I muff and plug. Cant loose the other ear!
I have never liked any in-ear device that also has Touch controls. I have Man Hands and always end up accidentally activating some function when I just want to adjust the fit or position of the device.
I caught them on sale for $150 love them so far
I've been testing these as well since my main BT muffs are a little bulky. I will say that I use these in place of my in-ear silicones but I then have a low-profile muff over them. I agree the MSRP is a little high but just under with discounts good.
I could not get my pair to suppress noise. Everything else seemed to work. One time I thought I had the suppression working but when I shot my 7MM PRC I found out otherwise. 30 day "no questions asked" return policy does not include return shipping and they recommend shipping insurance (makes me wonder if they will falsely claim they didn't receive them).