The era of zayn malik is going to come soon so don't worry
This is what we call underrated
Zayn, how does it feel to not be as appreciated as other artists even though your music is superior in quality
Zayn really needs to promote his songs, if he does this songs are breaking the charts
damn, he's so aesthetic.
Zayn doesn't promote his songs, but that's what the ZQUAD is for
i literally love this song so much. like why does nobody ever talk about it???
“Shame is you won’t say that to my face” That line👌🏻
He's become such a clever songwriter. I love the twist in his lyrics and his song titles.
how come this doesn't have more views. it deserves more views than pillow talk. BeFoUr is one of the best songs he has done so far.
7 years later I still love this masterpiece ❤
This song is driving me inzayn
Zayn has a unique voice and personality that no other singer has
This song is so addictive this has strong early 2010s pop to it disrespectful how underrated this went zayn needs more respect
I watch this every year.
Zayn is a definition of beauty with an angelic voice😍
This song is awfully underrated, it has some of his most introspective lyrics
iv'e watched this not once or twice, okay maybe a couple of hundred times