
There’s a lot of info coming out on Gaza, so we created a WhatsApp channel where we hand-pick the stories we think you should be paying attention to. Join the community👉 https://ajplus.co/whatsapp


Hearing that the farmer Youssef was killed two weeks after the interview by Israeli airstrike was heartbreaking. So much needless death and hardship for people and their families. Stay strong, Bisan. Keep smiling. The world sees you and hears you!


When calling out a Genocide as a Genocide, upsets some people more than the Genocide itself, being lost for words is an understatement


Grateful you’re still alive.


Great to see fishermen and farmers who have not given up.
The world is watching.
I'm so glad to see people trying even little bits to produce food under difficult conditions.
The Palestinian people give me hope that we can create a State of Palestine, where people can live in peace.
Best wishes from Australia.


So horrified at the death of the farmer interviewed at the end,  thank you for your vital work Bisan, your brave dedication is truly inspirational. Here in Dublin now the Israelis just shut their embassy - they say we are not sympathetic enough to them and all kinds of nonsense trying to divert global attention from these crimes against everyday people. We will not stop expressing our outrage at the genocide committed against the Palestinian people and the long years of brutal oppressive colonialism.


Youssef Abu Rabie, this sensitive young man who was powerful in his plantations, was exterminated like many others shown on social media. They hate the kindness, the competence, the loving strength of these young people who will be reborn as other boys and girls in free Palestine. Bisan, you are wonderful. From Brasil, much strength for your resistance. 🇵🇸


Youssef Abu Rabie is a name I will not forget, such an inspirational person the type of person everyone should be, smart, reasonable and much more.


I truly admire Bisan Ouda. I have known about her since before the war when she did lifestyle vlogs from Gaza.  As a representative of the resilience of the Palestinian people, it is alway a joy to see Bisan is still alive. But that joy is tinged with much sorrow at seeing her home and her people reduced to such a harrowing degree. I live in hope of seeing her and all Palestinians homes and lives restored with dignity and the freedom they all deserve. ❤


Stay alive.   We love you all. We pray for you all.  I pray for you, my family in Lebanon and Syria to be free from the tyranny of this ruthless regime.  I am in Canada.  We are pressuring the government. They are so corrupt.  I am so sorry.   🇵🇸🇱🇧


Your blessed eye view in the face of a genocide shapes our view Bisan, may you remain protected and be bestowed with endurance is my daily prayer...


Hi Bisan! You Palestinians are the most resilient people on earth. I admire you. You deserve to be free and insha'Allah you will be. Love from Spain ❤


They have kept their dignity despite the circumstances. Thank you Al Jazeera for sharing their stories


My darling bisan, I'm glad and grateful that you're still alive😢


You’re a bloody legend, Bisan. Stay safe and stay alive.


Hello bisan I'm from Pakistan and my prayers are with u and all Palestinian.


Bisan always speaks from her deep heart. Thank you, dear Bisan, for all the efforts you provide our brothers and sisters in Ghaza.




Yes someone has to stop this 
It’s unbelievable that  humans could inflict these beyond terrible atrocities on others  
Stay strong and resilient to all suffering under this brutal evil 
Thanks Bisan my heart goes out to you all and I hope and pray that someone will stop this


Broke my heart to hear Yousuf was killed..he seemed like such a gentle soul tending to his garden..

It’s so obvious the israeli government is trying to starve the Palestinian people. Stay strong my brown brothers and sisters.