
Regardless of the state policy on how many Ukrainian refugees to take in, I would like to thank all Jews who are helping Ukraine right now. Ukrainians will never forget your support. A special thankful note to those Israelis who joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces to fight the Russian assault.


My great-great Uncle was beheaded by the Cossacks in Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ around the time of the Libel Trials, and Ukraine's participant in Holocaust is something that I personally grievances with, but I am a Ukrainian Jew āœ”ļø and despite Ukraine's terrible anti-Semitic history it still won't take way the fact that I am of Ukrainian Descent and that I stand by Ukraine! The same can be said about Israel, I stand by Israel šŸ‡®šŸ‡± no matter what!


If I were them Iā€™d be leery about non jew Ukrainians. There has been a major history of right wing Nazi groups in Ukraine.


I'm ukrainian, probably I don't have any Jewish ancestors, my grandmother hided a Jewish family in his home during Nazi occupation (they were her neighbours), after the war they moved to Israel.
I'm currently in Italy, I have no plans to move to Israel but I want to ask the Israeli people to help us in every possible way


As long as they welcome the refugees. They do not have to  become instant citizens. They should be allowed to get their lives together. If they want to stay, then they should be allowed to become citizens.


First i am a diaspora Jew, and have no vote In Israel. I will say my peace here tho. 1st: non-Jewish Ukrainians are not persecuted in other countries, & are not equivalent to Jews fleeing Nazi Europe in 1930's. 2nd, Israel can & does provide myriad ways of support to relieve suffering to people in many countries, without allowing them all to immigrate. This would risk the Jewish majority, meaning once again there would be no Jewish state.


I'm going to controversial. Israel has only responsibility to their own namely jews or to some of jewish ancestry.  
Why? As the video stated it is a Jewish state and jews like it or not are a distinct ethnicity and religious group. It is the only country that jews can really honestly say is their home spiritually, historically and ethnically.  And Aliya (spelling) is one of the most generous migration policy in the world. 
And Israel is already a sanctuary for other minorities,  lgbt,druze,Christians, bahai. It does what it can and we need to acknowledge that . I'm not Jewish or religious but I recognize that Israel is doing what it can. May Jerusalem and Israel shine of gold as the song goes.


To the content creator - THANKS for leaving comments on and welcoming feedback and debate!


If I were a Palestinian I'd be pissed!


I love muslim and Jews people God Allah hachem save you in this world


War are work of mentally unstable persons of which mentally sound people are real victims disturbing or ruin their normal lives ,new seasons of hardships for humanity


Just asking the question offends me .


Let's just say this.Israel don't want to help Ukraine (which they should keep on doing so) because they've got enough European countries that care for them


I have an issue with this whole thing. First of all, it's an incredibly compassionate feat from Israel to accept Ukrainian refugees escaping from the terror of war. 
However,  I am interested to know how some Israelis are not complaining about losing the higher percentage of Jewish people in Israel. Because they had a huge problem with the non-Jewish African migrants, who were being persecuted in their own country, years back. Is it because of the certain number of refugees Israel is allowed to accept to maintain itself as a Jewish state or something more than that? What if Israel was forced to accept around 5 million Ukrainian refugees (less Jews & more non-Jews) instead of 12k, would Israel still accept those refugees?


Manmade problems:  Do Any contry give automatic citycensship to refugees?
In Norway refugees stay up to 10 years before ciysensechips, and ukrainians are thought to go to Ukraina when they can.
Why is this question even lifted, just because it is Israel?
That jewish families up to grand parents are automatic citisens, have nothing to do with refugees in general, just because jews allways are treated different in badly wayes, and next to none let then in when they needed.
Stop this nazithoughts.  I am tired of it, and min media should stop being negative, only wanting crisis.
This is no a question to discuss, when all refugees get in.
Think twice before being like most main media, please.


That rabbi is a wise man.


Why do we have to be responsible for this ? There's a civil war in Ethiopia do we need to take Ethiopia refugees too. We shouldn't bend the rules for others and open the flood gates. I see how in the future they will use this incident as precedent to let anyone come here. 
We shouldn't take a side we should be as we always were, neutral. I'm not about to move an inch so in 10 year's academia students will cry dismantle Zionism like they dismantle "whitism" in America today. I know the way the wind is blowing.


What I find is most controversial is that Jewish Ukrainian MEN are allowed to leave Ukraine to find refuge in Israel with their women and children?! A non Jewish Ukrainian family can find safety in Europe, but only women and children- the men have to stay behind and fight!!! Why do Jewish Ukrainian men not have to stay behind and fight???


02:00 i have never laughed at one of these videos before