
MDD is currently recruiting new atheist and politically left-leaning content creators from the Chicago and Detroit areas (and between those areas) for an in-person podcast recording for a group debate. If interested, please email us at moderndaydebate@gmail.com


Ridvans Opening statement: Was it fear of christians or muslims that caused Alex to drop out? Thank you, I rest my case.


As an atheist, this isn't even a question; I'll take Christianity every day.


As an ex Muslim, I'd rather live in a Christian country than an islamic country


Alex O'Connor watched this debate from under his bed.


Where Islam thrives, freedom dies.


Im an atheist but if I had to choose I would choose christianity over islam any day


Within his first sentence GnosticInformant conceded the debate. Congrats to AP.


We must not forget the Islamic contribution to the "Dark Ages".   Exactly during this time, Islam had conquered 75% of the Christendom around the Mediterranean Sea, severing trade routes, causing lack of writing materials from Egypt, severing connections with the most important centres of learning in Asia Minor, and destroying countless Christian places of learning and worship (where texts were copied) in Asia Minor, northern Egypt, Spain and even in France.  Muslim constantly raided along the coast, causing people to move inland and spread, away from cities, often to places less hospitable to live and farm.


Lets think, one literally built the west and one is trying to tear it down


The central heating and the other "Islamic" inventions are actually Greek. Some of them invented 1000years before Mohammed


Agnostic Jew living in the deep south here. 
Devout Christians are probably the single largest source for good in the world (both in terms of donations of time & money, but also in export of pro-social morality) on earth of any religious group. They are the last surviving bastion against the destruction of western values. I wish I could say my fellow agnostics and athiests were picking up the torch to defend western society, but too many of us turn a lack of confidence about god into a lack of confidence about all sorts of values...and one can't defend western society if they aren't sure it's worth defending. We need to be better, but until then, Christians are shouldering the burden of western society almost entirely alone. Even if I were religious, it's not like there's enough of us jews to make a difference. As Christianity goes, so goes western society. We have to ally with it and support it.


Algebra DOES not come from Muslims.  Algebra goes back to thousands of years ago.  The Babylonians for example worked with quadratic and cubic equations.  The Egyptians with linear equations - the Rhind Papyrus (Egypt, 1650 BC) explains problems where linear equations of the form x + a x = b and x + a x + b x = c are solved. The Greeks created a geometric algebra, Thymaridas (c. 400 BCE – c. 350 BCE) for example worked with simultaneous linear equations. In Euclid's Books V and VII of the Elements the commutative and associative laws for multiplication are demonstrated. In China, The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, written around 250 BC, is composed of some 246 problems. Chapter Eight deals with solving determinate and indeterminate simultaneous linear equations using positive and negative numbers, with one problem dealing with solving four equations in five unknowns. 

The Persian mathematicians continued this work, made further advances, and introduced the term "algebra", which some people for some reason mistaken with inventing the field...


its CRAZY that we are even ARGUING about this.


We already knew that Gnostic was arguing an impossible position but AP absolutely crushed it. It was his best debate yet


I enjoyed watching the apostate prophet enjoy the debate without his life being threatened 😂😂I watch both of these guys channels! Great debate!


Seen a lot of debates in my day, but never seen an opponent conceed the debate before it even starts 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Apostate Prophet definitely won this debate imo, Gnostic basically dug a grave for himself by trying to argue Islam over Christianity. I do respect how respectful and open-minded Gnostic was in the debate though, and I'm glad he was able to side with AP in the end. Overall this was a good debate on both sides (even if objectively one had a stronger stance in the end over the other).


Respect to GnosticInformant for taking this debate even though he didn't hold the position. Was light and fun.


There was a massive attack in Austria while this was going on.