はじめまして。 私はフランス人です。日本がとても好きです。でも、行きません。日本語がちょっとできます。 ソルライフのビデオはまあまあおもしろいです。雨の新宿御苑はとてもきれえです。そして、よるの東京がきれえも。ソルライフの料理はおいしいです。 ありがとございます。
Each of Shinkai's films is like a postcard of Japan. Every time I watch a scene from one of his movies, I am glad to say "I have been there!".
For years I had the dream of going to Japan 🇯🇵 and finally the dream became a reality, it’s been 5 days since I’ve been back home and I’m extremely nostalgic and sentimental about Japan 🇯🇵 I just want to go back as soon as possible 😭😭😭what a beautiful, beautiful, amazing country and culture that is! Thank you 🙏 so very much Sol for your great videos ❤greetings from Montreal Canada 🇨🇦 🍁
I visited all of these places too! My favourite thing about visiting Yotsuya was that even the parked cars and bicycles were in the exact spots from the film! Finding out how there is no changes made to his environments was so cool - and gives the films a higher realism when I watch now. When watching films I'm so used to them using locations that are miles apart and pretending they are in the same neighborhood - but Makoto Shinkai's characters actually have routes that makes sense and that creates a higher believability in his worlds.
新海さんの目からは、あんなにも綺麗で美しい情景に東京は写るのか、と映画を見て思うのですよねぇ、、本当に凄い人、、 Solさんの写す情景の描写も凄く繊細で、 新海さんの作品へのリスペクトもあるのだろうなぁと、🌿 新海さんファンからしたら凄く幸せな動画でした💬ありがとう〜!!
All the Cameo of Your name, weathering with you,the garden of words all the infrastructure damn it was a nice vlog my life goal was to create exactly like yours <3
I’m American and have never been to Japan. I’m learning a lot about the country through your videos. Thank you making them. Well done.
I never been to Japan, watching your video today is refreshing. Definitely would visit one day and wear nice kimono. Have a beautiful weekend. Love from Finland :virtualhug: Hance
9:22 I like the way the ramen shop clerk asks a female customer, "Would you like a paper apron?" I feel the kindness.
The scenography of your videos is so beautiful and refreshing, I feel calm with them. Thank you for trying so hard 🤍🗻
I has always been my dream to get away from the noisy world and go to Japan.Such a beautiful country cannot be expressed with words but feelings.I swore i will definitely go to Japan.🇯🇵🎌 💙💙 Lots of love from India 🇮🇳
I love Japan!! I watch a lot of anime and I always imagine myself living this vibe in Tokyo. 🥺🇯🇵🇧🇷
I got to visit Japan for the second time last summer, unfortunately it didn't rain on any of the days we were there (and worse it was hot as hell). One of my main regrets when I first visited it was that I didn't really get to appreciate how beautiful Japan was as a whole, and when I got to go there last year I set off to wander the city of Tokyo by myself, get around everywhere by train. I went to the Yoyogi park when the sun was starting to set, and it was a very peaceful moment for me. P.S. You have now inspired me to want to animate a short film of just cooking some breakfast.
Good Morning from Michigan, USA! Having my coffee while watching! Great way to start my day! Adventuring with Sol!!
I literally love everything about Japan <3
Your videos are the reason why i am so obsessed with japan, just went to Hokkaido last year summer and i cant wait to travel to japan again. Love from Singapore!
Oh I felt back in Tokyo with this peaceful video! Thank you so much for your work! 😊
Your channel has been the highlight of my Saturday morning routine. I love to watch your videos while I have a slow breakfast after a fast paced week. I’ve never been one to watch much tv, but I absolutely love your videos and always look forward to them. Thank you for sharing this joyful, peaceful work of art.