
"Is it good?"  "It's hot...and it's ready."


So that's what Socko looks like without his tux.


The best response to "is the glass any good" is... "It's better than plastic"


I'm always impressed with all the AR theory-crafting you whip up for your cat videos.


11:00 "I wonder if these are like twix, they have a left bullet and a right bullet" I died


"It's just one long panic attack"

That's why I quit the caffeine man it was really messing with my ability to relax and go to sleep


Red dot magnifier mentioned. I am here.


“I already knew all this stuff because it took place in the past.” 

Pure. Wisdom.


"Bare with any wind noise in the background." Were you paying tribute to Paul Harrell with that delivery?


“I’ve got a frankly heroic amount of caffeine in my system all the time, from when I wake up to when I go to bed.” - I felt this so bad my chest hurts. Or it’s the caffeine, but still.


"Here we have the X-Tac which still seem to be splitting off into 2 separate groups. I wonder if these are like Twix where they have a left bullet and a right bullet" 

This is the analysis I come here for lmao


"You're a person"

Thats mighty presumptuous of you Hop.


Bushnell seems to do decent duty at providing decent returns at decent prices.



But without premium glass that I can't afford how will I see the the old paint cans explode when I shoot them on a pristine hillside range?
Clean up your ranges folks, nature will remember when it's swallowing your body and put a little flower on top to remember you by.


One day I would like a solid well magnified optic, but with the only ranges near me being 100 yards, all the magnification in the world doesn't help me see the point of that expense.  I'm very jealous of people that have public land.


Yay for budget builds! Also, I enjoy all the Nutnfancyisms.


The intermittent Nutnfancy references are appreciated; shows respect and self-knowledge 

Anyone remember analogy pairs in standardized testing?  Gen X : Millennial :: TNP : Hop


I think AAC 77gr and 75gr are sleeper rounds. If you have a short 1:7" barrel it is solid enough for the ranges you can be expected to reach out to but also the price has been less elastic than bulk M193 or M855.

Remember that at a certain point in upward trending ammo markets it makes more sense to start buying match ammo than inflated range/plinking ammo.


it's me, 
I just dropped Nightforce money


I picked up a used-once 1-6x Sig Tango MSR LPVO for 160.  (Made a short with it)

The deals can be had if you make friends and/or are patient when buying.