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Bands that choose to lip sync @ their live shows is wrong.  It's stealing $ from fans.  Just retire already.


People would be shocked at how many bands lip sync or don’t play at all during a show. Happens way more often then anybody would think.


iron maiden was told to you use backing tracks for a tv appearance so they blatantly mocked it by having everyone  play different instruments and not even trying to lip synch. i would rather hear a not so good live performance than a perfect faked one


To be fair, almost everything at the SuperBowl halftime is pre-recorded, it's no secret.


i feel so bad for Mick Mars. he gave over 20yrs of his life to The Crue and they did him dirty by forcing him out


The worst part is that you know there were thousands of simps who defended these clips claiming there was no lip synching when people pointed these out


Maiden was just funny 😂


I've been playing drums in some way shape or form for over 45 years. I am 52 years old now and I play better than I did when I was younger because of experience. Plus, it's easier because of so many years of muscle memory. I really don't understand the pro musicians that are just breezing through performances like so many of their well-known and not well-known musical contemporaries into old age and they sound almost perfect live, but bands like KISS and Motley Crue seem to have lost whatever abilities they ever had and are now lying to their fans to simply make a buck.


This is why i don't go to concerts. Its not worth paying high price to see bands lip syncing.


No Temu pls☠️


The amount of money they charge to see a concert, and then you discover the band is  just singing along to prerecorded tracks is nothing short of fraud.  I'm done going to concerts, like everything else in this world- everything is a scam.


That's why I like jam bands like thr grateful dead and phish. You go to the show sometimes they miss a note or forget a lyric and that's the best part. And it's not just jam bands but others still.play live, and we fans love when they mess up a bit. Makes it real .. just play and do your best . That's what true fans expect.


It’s well known that the music for the Super Bowl half time show is pre-recorded. The band generally does play it as if it were a live show, but in a studio a few days before the event. The vocals are usually done live, plus maybe a guest instrumentalist, with the band miming to the recorded tracks. This is to minimise the risk of something technical going wrong, and to allow more elaborate stage setups that don’t require instruments to be miked.


Squeeze was forced to mime for a TV show in the ‘80s and they responded by all the members switching instruments.


Make music real again!🍻


When I was playing guitar for a Nashville Act with a #1 song in 2000 we did a Halftime show for an NFL game. We had 14 minutes total to set up staging, hook up audio monitors, hit the field,  play 7 minutes of medley of 5 songs and get off. thats 3 min on and 2 min off. We went in the studio and recorded the 5 song medley and " arranged them " down to 6:58. We did play the parts... then we rehearsed to the track to make it look right.  When the halftime clock hit it was like a military operation to get all those pieces done in time with a few seconds for the players to get back on the field.DID the show Milli Vanilli with full field choreographed dancers , fireworks and all.t was a fun "show".  I  I did that gig for 3 years from small clubs to Arenas.  It was always old school country rock n roll. no tracks , no click. That game was the only time we did not actually play the set.


9:15 Yes of course playing music before you start the show is EXACTLY the same as using pre-recorded tracks during the show.


Super Bowls are always pre recorded tracks. They don't have time to a sound check. Don't know why they have to mention the Broncos/Seahawks Super Bowl.


I saw Fear Factory in the 90s and the guitar cable was just swaying in the wind only attached to the battery pack on the belt and not the guitar.