
4:09 Andrew with Blender Denoiser
4:11 Andrew with Optix Denoiser


Since the recording Blender 2.9 was released with the denoising shown in this video included in the default installation (no need to install anything extra), and it supports all hardware! Find it in Render Panel: Sampling: Denoising. Optix (faster) is for compatible Nvidia cards only and OpenImageDenoise (slower) works with any CPU. Have fun ;)


Since recording this video, some big news was announced:
1. Optix Denoiser might actually make it's way into Blender officially, removing the need for an addon. (nice!)
2. Intel's Denoiser (not shown in this video) will be included in Blender 2.81! Early results look very promising: https://twitter.com/BlenderBrit/status/1164306780089978881


And with blender 2.81's AI denoise node (intel's openimagedenoise based) we're all saved!!! Great work as always :)


watched this video in 2x to make rendering 6272% faster


Someday it'll be nice to get back to Cycles, but for now, I'm loving the 2-6 second render times with EEVEE.


After denoising, don't forget the filmgrain.


Sometimes I like to go back to these old videos and see how far has blender gone from here
It’s genuinely cool to see how much it has improved and the amount of features that have been added over the years


+1 for Neat Video plugin. This plugin is simply the best on the market right now. We were able to render 12+ animations via Octane, and with the samples down to as low as 1500 in some shots. 

Then a quick denoise, and it was like we had rendered at 25k.


I'm not even an animator or artist, I have never used Blender in my life. But I seem to always watch videos of yours that I come across. You do a great job at making me interested in changing career paths into this industry.


5:11 your hear grew considerably through that little transition there.


Man, I just read your "This week in 3D" mail for this week... That donut looks insane! I began to learn how to use Blender with your first blender tutorial and I haven´t even downloaded 2.8 yet because I want to do it when your new tutorial comes out! Thank you so much for making this videos free for us :D <3


This is an incredibly well timed video for me, as I was literally today and yesterday trying to fight blender's denoiser to not destroy textures.  Now I have some new strategies to try. Thanks!


Saw your AI vid yonks ago and am still drooling ... have used Neat since for-ever for my astrophotography ... I'm fully invested in your superb channel and love your passion for Blender (which I downloaded way back in late 2001... maybe 2002(?) and struggled with until about 5 yrs ago... as a part time hobbyist only). Imagine my genuine surprise to hear I've been incorrectly pronouncing my gpu as "EN-vidia" rather than, as I can now appreciate, should be referred to as "NAH-vidia". Cheers, guru... much love :)


Blender 2.81 will have INTEL's denoiser. It's supposed to be better than Optix.


Man, what a lot of work to present the the edited comparison content in this video! Hugely impressive.


Finally! My laptop has been struggling with renders even though it is pretty good. Denoising is so bad, I couldn't fix those marks, so I had to use huge amounts of samples. And my laptop was burning.


You upload this the DAY i finish my project and search desperately for rendering help. THANK YOU SOSOSOOSO MUCH


No one:


I can't wrap my brain around the way he says NVIDIA