
Leal said them judges ain't screwing me over again lol


Best UFC Translater.


Morono will be on the next cut list


Powerful guy 👍👍💪


Nice work


Cara isso que e lutador de verdade... Ele nocauteou, exautou o nome de Jesus cristo e ainda respondeu a pergunta de joe rogan... Coisa que Gabriel santos nao fez quando venceu sua luta, so falou de jesus e esqueceu de responder a pergunta. Parabens Leal sucesso pra voce na categoria


Good stuff from Carlos


Infinity endurance


"Carlos Leal defeats Alex Morono by unanimous decision at UFC 313. " What?


Guy talks about the time is short and he wants to make his interview when not long but goes on a full rant . That’s insane.




Francis Marshall was robbed


all honor and glory to my savior Jesus Christ


Jesus is Lord


Carlos leal vs Neil magny


Khaos Williams next?


great job ufc social team. he won by tko not decision😂


Leal was getting dominated in pfl. LOL Decent fighter though.


The translator did a great job. He only missed the part when Carlos said that Brazilian chicks love us Mexicans.


He beats Rinat of course everybody knows