
ngl that edit was unnecessarily on fire


I can't believe the Railroad's secret password is Railroad


peak editing


Hella underrated I just started watching and I hope to god you blow up soon 🙏


I saw your far harbor short and this is fire


We need more of this good small content creators I’ve tried making content the key is don’t let the up and down stats get to you love your content ❤️❤️❤️


Amazing and unique video for your channel<3 
also this video is basically called 
"Can a Hill Billy Destroy a Settlement worshipper, Loser, Racist and Asshole son in 22 Minutes?"


Reads the tile... So a normal fallout run


I have found hidden gold under my dishwasher. I am indeed very much pleased. Pleasing video, much funny, quite entertain.


Not ganna lie this deservs more views


Can i have some brain damage


Video idea: can you beat fallout 4 as walter white?


Haters will say "fake"