
Clear and concise - that’s what makes your videos so useful. Many thanks for sharing.


Silvia you are blessing on youtube! Absolutely love all your videos whichever I have gone through so far! Much love!


Unconditional right = trade rec (apply ifrs 9) 
Conditional right = contract asset (not a financial instrument, just apply impairment)


Very much helpful. I searched 15 days ago for this example and now it is appeared.


Thank you. I am following you from Sudan, from Africa. A very good lecture


wow amazingly you have explained the difference, also you gave us why we should not group contract assets under IFRs-9


Lucid, condensed and very understandable. Thank you.


I am now confused with all the concept of revenue from construction contract. Your explanation does help me gain the big picture a lot!!. Thank you.


Great, In Simple Words Precisely Explain


The concept is being made to understand to the point! Thanks a lot for your wonderful videos!


Waiting long time for a such video.
Really appreciate.


This just made total sense! Perfect!


Explanation is very good and interesting to watch....Thanks for these efforts👏👏


Your explanation is very lucid and interesting as always.


Excellent explanation. Thank you and please keep it up, and coming


Excellent example! Many thanks!


Thanks Sylvia. You make the complex topic simple!


Thank you Silvia...good explanation..


This is so helpful!!! I understand now. Tysm❤❤❤


Your lectures are really much helpful Thankyou