
As someone who has never owned rats before but wants to in the future, I'm glad your channel exists


"Like someone eating biscuits in a public bathroom" -- lovely 😂


I’m so grateful to have found your channel. I have owned many snakes and usually feed frozen. I had sent my partner out for pet food about a week ago while I was working and they brought me a live baby rat. I instantly decided to keep her but knew nothing about how to care for rats. She has everything she needs now (minus a few little buddies after her vet treatment is complete) and is the sweetest pet I’ve ever owned. I love learning every day how she shows me affection and what I can do to enrich her life. It has been hard to find proper information to help her but this community and your channel have been so loving and helpful ❤


i wont be able to get rats for a few years, but lately ive been binging all your rat videos so that i know im ready for them😭


After my rats passed away (one passed, and I found the other two a lovely home because I couldn't go through it again), I had to take a small break from your channel. You bring so much joy and good information, and I'm happy to be watching again!


3:12 one of my late rats smelt of air freshener and mint (I didn't have an air freshener though💀😭😂)


Agree, my boys have a lovely, natural smell.


I just got a pair of rats boubou and leah and i learned so much from your channel to give them the best life possible! thank you!




My girls always smelled a bit like mint 🙌🏻 I loved the instant smell test on your big boy haha


I really love your content! 
I am getting rats in a few months and I am so thankful that I found your account💗


I almost cried sooooo many times watching this video! i currently only have 1 rat, as my other two boys died 1 and 3 months ago, and i know that my last rat (mochi) is going to pass soon. I dont know if i will be getting other rats, or if im going to switch to sugar gliders, as their lifespans are just too short, and i thought i could deal well with it, but i just cant. :(


5:40 ~ I do the SAME thing with my guys ALL the time! The only difference is, my guys take their sweet time getting across the 'draw bridge' and I'm all like "Any time now....not gonnah hold you all niiiiight!" ...well, I will; but don't tell them that!


One of my rescue boys did something today, that I did expect.
I added a ceramic bird hide, he came running over and picked up their rope ball and put it in the hole. I took it out and he did it again..


Oh dear lord! My kids make fun of me bc I love to huff my rats. They smell like good memories and happiness.


Ive watched your videos for the longest time and absolutely love them. ❤


Great vid! I love rats and am hoping to get some at some point! You are my go to rat care guru! 🥰


I've never washed my rats, I supervise them while their swimming and/or peafishing in their "lake" (it's just a small plastic box filled with an inch or so of water) they will also clean themselves after the swim


3:03 honestly, my rats smell like tortillas 😂


I love Sushi Rats, too :D