Everything you need to know: “would.”
"he who pulls me out shall be named king arthur"
Clank clank Clank clank
eh, never ending shotgun contrary to its name actually ends assaultrons pretty neatly. especially with that juice +200% rifle damage perk.
Why Bethesda give the robot thighs
Smash, next question
If youre ever in the position to tank the damage of an assualtron for a second or 2, robotics expert rank 1 will allow you to sprint up to it and shut it off and set it to self destruct (at the same time) Meaning you can end the fight relatively quickly with no ammunition spent (incredibly risky though, especially at low levels or if you don't have much armour)
All Assaultrons Kleo and Ada that's it
We love RobCo❤
Therehella anyoing but why did bethsa in falllout 76 made them so hot wtf?
you know you can just take its leg out then you’re fine
I wasn't in power armor and no armor except military fatigues i only lost a bit of health still around 90% health and I shot it in the head with a .50 cal sniper it died
These robotic amazing bastards are amazing as companions but suck when fighting since they block everything
Yes very cool mr house only one question why are they ahem
Only assaultron id ever get close to is Kleo
in the full vid does it answer the question of why is looks female or is that just a "cuz we can"