
David Prowse was also a personal trainer. He helped Christopher Reeve gain 20 lbs to play Superman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDyeD4Ma9Pg


Yeah, it's definitely a smart move to add in JEJ's voice.


That’s trippy that they did it without anyone knowing. I kinda wish there was a version with original voice just for fun. But ofc JEJ was iconic here


Respect to both the actors. Everyone always praising James voice but no one talking about David who played Vader physically. Definitely a great actor and will be remembered as Darth Vader. Two actors to create an iconic villain.


James Earl Jones in the interviews always says that it was David Prowse who gave Vader the posture and body language and he gave the voice so in the end they both are very important for the role and it's a good thing to remember both their contributions.


Cut of A New Hope with his voice are hilarious!!


His physicality mixed with JEJ voice was absolutely perfect


whoever's idea it was to dub over James Earl Jones voice and that breathing sound is absolutely brilliant. that MADE Darth Vader! he would've been so much less intimidating if they used Prowses voice!


This guy is my head canon belief on what Anakin would look like is he grew up naturally and healthy


They really worked magic on this character, both with looks and voice! Awesome!


That's Rick Moranis playing Dark Helmet in Spaceballs


God James earl Jones’s voice is perfect for darth Vader truly can’t be beaten by others


Poor lad. I'm 33 and only now I discovered who was the guy portraying Vader. Everyone talks about Vader actor as being James Earl Jones. I knew he only did the voice but I never heard about the real actor till today.


also in a Stanley Kubrick movie called "A  Clockwork Orange" 
When they fired Prowse for the third movie, they replaced him with a normal size man. ruined any scene where Vader was obviously smaller than in the previous movies.


Darth Farmer!  Awesome.


I got to meet Mr Prowse twice. Once in a little table top game store in West Virginia and 2 of brothers and me got a group photo there and once in Columbus,Ohio. I got an autograph. He was very nice. My brother Jeff gave him some Jolt Cola.


The treatment given to the great David Prowse was truly contemptible. They blamed him for leaking Vader's big reveal as Luke's father and from there, life for him was hell. Both on set and off it.


He sounded pretty bummed bummed bummed, bum-bum bummed, bum-bum bummed


I met Dave whilst he was in a vader suit back in the 70's, when he was doing a promotion for the toys. He was a big bloke!


“How many assholes are there” 
“Here sir” 