
The real anatoly the cleaner


And on top of all that killer stach


Damn. Looks like Don Frye. If Don Frye was raised in the USSR and became an Olympic lifter.


jacked Freddy Mercury.


LIKE Flo-Jo, Pisarenko is another athlete that set records that are comparable to attempts 40 years later. FORTY YEARS.
Flo-Jo died at 38.
Pisarenko received a lifetime ban in 1985 by the Soviets for steroid possession.


He is by far the greatest Super heavyweight ever 👏


He's a really great person too , dedicated to family.He cleaned 267.5 the day he did 265wr


Prolly one of the most athletic hw lifters. Just so fast and damn strong. Plus he has two of the most famous photos ever in oly lifting


23? He looks like he already has 2 divorces


A total beast and NOT obese with a belly that stuck out over his belt.


This guy never gets the respect he deserves. He wasn’t around long and he was in an era with Russian legends but this dude was a beast


His best snatch was 206 kg not 205, and he was 6'-6'1"


Bill March cleaned and  PRESSED 390 lbs at a body weight of 198lbs in competition and 405lbs in practice.


Guy was a monster even in todays standards.


Pisarenko also claimed in an interview to have attempted a 280 cj, missing the jerk. Hes rumored to have made 270 in training as well


Ok, I'm gonna be an ass, he's more like 6'1"


This man looked like 50 at 28


That mustache can out lift me!😂


Thats so insane dude i cant even comprehending 500 over my head


They should bring back those competition outfits