
Never been to a gym in 20 years. Just been training in crumbling garage lifting rocks doing pushups on paint cans..still ripped af at 54 years old!!!


I have cousins who have done time in prison. One of them explained to me that for people on the inside it's a cross between commitment to going hard during workouts and lots of rest. Many inmates sit around a lot of the day and if you rest well your muscles will recover/build bigger.


Former corrections officer here.What makes you think there are no PEDs?


Lots of bad assumptions go into videos like this. As someone who's been locked up in my younger days I've seen this up close. There are few universals in prisons and jails too, there's different federal joints, different levels, different states run different joints, jails are local and run different, etc, and it really seems like some of the guys talking about this stuff want to add some mystique where there is none.

1. Most people in the joint are actually not in shape. You're dealing with a smaller sample size that is. Out West is probably the main exception cause the different organizations tend to have workout routines that they all do in groups.
2. A lotta these guys go in jacked so they're already working with something.
3. A lotta these transformations are mostly just guys being unable to eat in a calorie surplus and finally being a little active to pass time.
4. You can absolutely get PEDs. They're not all that uncommon behind the wall. But they are expensive so it's not a crazy widespread thing.
5. They absolutely use weights, just not perfectly calibrated gym weights, its DIY in most places. Plenty of static holds/overcoming isometric style training too.


I have worked in jails and prisons. If prisoners often they steal extra food, and everyone who has commissary money is by far not nutritionally deprived. Tuna, protein powder, and various types of sausage and canned meat are common. The basic diet given may be bland but I would still consider it healthier then what the average American eats. 

To my surprise when I first started working I noticed how many inmates were actually fat, in contrast to what I was expecting. Prisoners that work in the kitchen are generally allowed to eat their fill, not even counting what isn't stolen to sell or eat later.


Its all about motivation and the risk of having your cornbread taken is one of the best motivators.


In the riff from @28:38 Alex makes one of the greatest insights into the American get-it-done mindset and its got nothing to do with building muscle. Brilliant!


18:20 I did a challenge to lift 26,000 kg in the fastest time possible with a team mate once, and we used 50kg bench press and 50kg deadlifts, 10 or 20 reps at a time. We reached the volume in about 10 minutes, and the next time i went to do bench and deadlift my numbers went way up. 
Felt extremely strong and controlled as well after having perfect form for so many reps. Interesting experience.


No PEDs is a stretch


Great video! I feel like Josh doesn’t get nearly enough love in the YouTube fitness community. You, Josh, and The Boogz are the best on the internet!


I have worked in prisons and jail. They have nothing but time. Eat three meals a day and sleep for recovery. Working out, reading books, and sleeping. So when you literally have 23 hours of lock down. What else can you do or do.


Funny how every time I see real footage from prison, they look fat and barely athletic, just overall meh. This bs about jacked prisoners comes from movies and needs to stop.


I asked this question in a FB group and got some really interesting answers from those who've served time. Commissary has a lot more high-protein items than you would think like canned chicken and tuna etc, and some prisons actually have events with their commissary now and then where they can buy food from a restaurant or even cook steaks. They find a way.


Bromley, this is brilliant! You're filling a unique space in the YouTube fitness world that no one else is, all while staying true to your values. I can tell that topics like this really fascinate you because they do for me as well.

Cheers, man—keep it up!


In the UK we top the prison diet up with oats , mackerel and noodles etc, in some prisons you can even get creatine, but Wayland is the only one I've been in with creatine on the canteen. . . Been out and doing well for a while , and no intentions of going back 👍💪🇬🇧


Every one says I have no time to workout , but what about when COVID -19 lock down ? Where were all the jacked in shape people?😂😂😂


How many of these jacked guys in prison were not jacked before prison?


It’s different everywhere.  We have machines to lift on when movement was open.  I had money and a store.  I was eating more protein in there than I do on street.  I ate a lot of bag tuna with ramen, bag of chicken with ramen, beans, a lot of peanut butter.  A lot of basketball for cardio.  Went in 305lb on herion and 6 months later left 220 with a good bench.  We trained everyday.  Never saw juice in there.  I’m sure it’s possible if you got money.  More guys were worried about meth and herion.  But we trained are as hell 6 to 7 days a week.


Great video man, and for the people who look down on bodyweight training look at the guys like the Iron wolf and teamsemi.


Genetics play a huge role. I was watching a video recently that showed a shirtless and what appeared to be drugged out and possibly homeless dude on some random street in St Louis. He was bigger and more ripped than 90% of people at the gym.