
The final boss of acoustic guitar for me


Nailed it.  This is a tough one. Singing at the same time however is almost impossible. Not gonna request anything, just gonna enjoy whatever you put out.


00:00 intro
01:12 verse 1
01:42 prechorus 1
01:51 break
02:01 verse 2
02:21 prechorus 2
02:42 chorus 1
03:01 break
03:10 verse 2
03:30 prechorus 3
03:49 chorus 2
04:08 interlude
04:23 bridge
05:01 prechorus 4
05:21 chorus 3
05:40 outro


That was seriously impressive.

As someone who has tiny little hands I’ve always considered this song more or less impossible for me, but seeing the way you played it opened up some new ideas in my mind.


Thanks to your 1 hour long tutorial, I've learnt the main riff. It took three weeks but I've yet to learn all the other parts. Thanks alot for making this videos. It means alot to me.


Been learning this masterpiece for like 4 days, got the riff, the bridge and the intro down, kinda dirty but it's something. People usually talk about the main riff but damn, the bass in the 2nd half of the intro is also tough


Wow dave, you are amazing!
Finally someone correctly cracked the most unplayable song on earth!


So we've got Neon now, how about Why Georgia next? 

Love your tutorials mate, the way you dissect and simplify difficult songs such as this one is an absolute blessing


This is definitely a challenging song to play ❤


An easy beginner song!


Such a legendary Riff...❤️love..it man.... have been waiting for these in such a long term..😌


With this song two things happen to me, first I want to pick up the guitar and two things to throw it away. Good tutorial, you are a machine, congratulations


Dear sir, I have been watching your videos and learning songs from it ever since I was a beginner. I thank you for your best tutorials that helped me to play any song that I wanted. I finally learned neon after 3 months of hard work thanks to your excellent tutorials that you showed us.


Seriously INSANE TABs to comprehend 🤯🤯🤯 BOSS LEVEL 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


great analysis, thanks for sharing - i did it by ear by was missing a fingering or two :( crazy he came up with this when he was so young! the final boss is adding the vocals!


The quality of this video is astonishing <3 Thank you!


Yes! Almost without the thumb voicings too. Finallly a version I can try. Thanks!


Oh, I became able to play longed-for music thanks to a shelf!
Though I was about to lose some confidence by everyday work, sincerity fretted by oneself again.
I am just a music lover, but play the music that I want to play still more!
It is very kind of you.


It's was very cool. Thanks for your video. It impress me to learn this song. Amazing!


Great. Thanks. 1:10 main riff