I will always say this; Hatzegopteryx and it’s cousin Quetzalcoatlus would make fantastic horror monsters in a horror game or movie setting, especially if it’s in a forest.
Kudos on being educational and NOT boring. I have guardianship over my niece and nephew for the next couple weeks and I wanted to find a few channels for them to watch but a lot of these dinosaur channels have 1h-2h long videos that are all fluff with no meat and the person talking makes me want to exit out the nearest window just so I can feel something. So, truly, good job.
Nothing says nightmare fuel like a giraffe sized pterosaur with a good vertical jump
if you’re ever at the Chicago Field Museum, they have some full size statues of these things. you really need to stand next to one to get a sense of just how uncomfortably massive they are
this part of Europe is spooky without question a flying creature the size of a small jet the height of giraffe and the wieght of a grizzly bear a big head the size of a horse body.. the dinosaur world is a beautiful nightmare
I like the spongebob thumbnail, it's the funniest one so far.
I'll never forget how confused I was when I saw those huge things gobbling up a Sauropod on a Discovery show back when I was a kid. I was genuinely baffled seeing how FREAKING MASSIVE these monsters were.
I was visiting a zoo in san diego a while back and there were a ton of little baby ducks in a pond just seimming around being adorable. Out of nowhere, a blue heron slaps into the pond, grabs one, shakes its head to snap the ducks neck, points his head in the air and swallowed it whole, and flaps back into the air. Thats how i picture these things eating tiny dinosaurs. Absolutely terrifying
This would make a fantastic Jurassic Park one-off movie. Sailors going missing, fishing boats being attacked by flying monsters. Researchers trace them back to a tiny island between Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna, where they find pygmy dinos ruled by giant pterosaurs. Could say they came from Isla Sorna sometime during the second and third movie. Maybe from that birdcage they left open during the third.
Its really amazing to me how alligators/crocs have been roughly unchanged for millions of years and survived all these extinction events. They are truly one of natures perfect designs.
I actually feel bad for the dinosaurs of Hateg Island. One day you could just be grazing with your family in a clearing, and then one these monsters walk up to you menacingly, gobbles up your friend and leaves. These monsters were literally unchallenged tyrants.
Spongebobs island in the thumbnail makes more sense by far.
"Stand proud, you are delicious." - Hatzegopteryx to the mini dinosaurs, probably
I just can’t wrap my head around those giant pterosaurs. Of all the bizarre creatures I’ve learned about, past or present, I think they take the cake. Terrifying.
22:36 I’d love to see a video on the fauna of ancient New Zealand and Madagascar. Moa, Haast Eagle, and Elephant Birds were all very interesting birds that definitely deserve more spotlight. In the case of the Elephant Bird, it could be a good excuse to also cover the giant lemurs that once lived in Madagascar.
"The lack of food." This is why the possible extinction of honeybees is absolutely terrifying. Colony hive collapse needs WAY more attention that it's getting.
1:29 Romania mentioned, best video i've ever watched🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
We’re used to seeing huge theropods and sauropods, but seeing giant pterosaurs tower over them is just unnerving in a terrifying way.
Islands today: 10-50% fatal Hategs island: 101% fatal