
all these secrets are pure RPO event joy


this event is amazing


If the World//Zero puzzle was unclear for you guys, I think this is how it works:
The gems’ color corresponds with the symbol it is (green for the tree, pink for the flower, and blue for the fish).
The color of the numbers on the wall show the symbol it goes with. If you have 2 of one color you add those together. The order of the gems for me was green, pink, blue (the order you picked up the gems around the map). If you had like a pink 4 and 0, then the 2nd number would be 4 (0 + 4).
Also the developers probably removed the next zone, if there is one, so exploiters and glitchers can’t see what is next. I’m guessing there might be one or two more zones left (so there would be around 10-15 mega tokens).


Chat I have to lock for the hunt. :_kreekPopcorn::_kreekZombie::_kreekWorried: Stream ends at 3:54:59


World zero? Man this is going to be crazy


This event is fire also in pressure there’s a small chance that at the beginning a different person talks instead of the normal dude idk if that is how you get mega token but maybe


calling him latecraft will never go away lol


Kreekcraft i think the next mega tokens are in fisch, and untitled boxing


What I don't understand is how will the top players be decided? The fastest ones to clear the event (yk like 1day 22hours) or the first people to reach the final room thing


If u missed stream bummer because there was 70 free member ships gave out




I can NEVER beat pressure due to using the flash beacon on the weird looking monster and looking at the other dude


this event is amazing


bro im missing out on so much cuz of my age, just one more month till i turn 13 but i cant opt in for this because it wont last another month 🥀


Yay he used the old waiting music like back then in piggy streams


This was amazing!




3:54:59 was the beast part


nice stream again kreek!


Bro ended when steak came