
Thank you for the film, this is my hometown, i was born there and it is absolutely beautiful to my eyes, no matter who does what to it, home still is home.... let history be the judge.....


How you know the government didn't consult the owners? Do you speak Uyghur or Chinese?
The government has spent millions to build the new modern housing for them. My friends live in there. Are you blind to see all these government-built new high rising apartment in Kashgar?
Have you ever been in the slum areas in Amsterdam?! Let's face the fact,  Chinese government has built much more and better housing than what Dutch did for their poor people.
BTW, Dutch "Slum Villegae" program is a joke!


Thank you for the video. This video made me cry.. I went to Kashgar in 2011, 2016, and 2017. Such a beautiful place. But now, Kashar has been changed so much leaving almost none shown in this video.


I was in Kashgar un 2009, it was really sad to se how the traditional environment had been destroyed. I think it is necessary to consult people before changing the urban structure, mainly in so highly historical sites like this!


How about Hawaii and American Indians?


Уйгуры сохранили свою культуру и самобытность все в натуральном ввиде респект уйгурам


The older sections are hazardous and crumbling, while the newer areas offer modern infrastructure like plumbing, electricity, and wide alleys, all while preserving the same population, culture, and architectural style—just built to last. This isn't a theme park; it's revitalization with improved construction. Gentrification is a global phenomenon, and in this case, it’s about creating a safer, stronger community without losing its essence.


The political incorrectness of those in the comment section is farcical. "How dare the chinese modernize Kashgar?! How dare they bring Kashgar to international standards and replace mud with cement?! They should leave these old buildings in tact entirely with inefficient infrastructure and leave these people be with their subsistence antiquate lifestyles!" Give me a break.


Love and respect from kashmir india❤


A typical biased commentary from a Westerner (in this case, a Dutch) who knows nothing about Central Asia. 
I did visit Amsterdam, met and talked to the drug addicts from single-parent family. Do I got the conclusion that Netherland is the worst place on earth?! Yes, You Bet !!! 
As a matter of fact, Netherland has much more drug addicts and single-families than any country in Central Asia.   
I haven't talked about the huamn rights abuse in Netherland yet - the human trafficking sexual slaves. 


i'm really happy after seeing thsi video, i saw a muslim land and muslim people in china


Sir do you have any video of Kashgar or Tashkurgan 80s and 90s video i love to see I was there in that time I was 22 now 56 i will be thankful to you


@stefhoffer I was wondering if I could use some of this footage for a project I'm working on? It's video I uploaded already. It's a video application for a program I designed, and I'm hoping to get funding for it


I don't understand why you're so negative... I see many people living happily... people's quality of life has improved. Typical biased views from someone who has no idea about the culture, language / traditions.


The west always love the locals to live in old dilapidated buildings to amuse them.
 They said the same thing about Singapore.


Прекрасный город, очень хочется вернуться туда вновь!


Dec2022 im watching videos of kashgar during covid, the men still wear headcovers but women dont wear hijabs.. the police will tell them to take them off, but arabic letters are on taxis and train stations and airplanes.. i understand why they would help build the infrastructure its good.. they are prob good citizens cooperating like what islam teaches.. the women wear long dresses looks like in 2023 videos wallahualam..


We are so similar to the ancestors of the people in today's Turkiye that I salute you


Wow, I just read the Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar, so it was nice having a visual of what the city looks like today.  


Если бы не китайское притеснение то уйгуры были бы саммой развивающей государством во всех направлениях они талантливы во всем