Set up a practice freezer in Pearl’s interior upstairs. Skizz really needs it.
I think it would be good to increase the likelyhood of a bonus item frame as the day number increases. It gets more and more dangerous to call, so the chance of getting a bonus item frame should be increased to account for that.
1:25:35 skizz to his dogs: “why can’t you use the miraculous power of teleportation?! Huh?!!?”
Tango, I mean this with all love, but I think something that would really help your gameplay in the farm is maximizing feeding the dog. Any time you go to the farm or leave the farm, make feeding the dog a priority. Example: Skiz needs a carrot and your in the kitchen, before grabbing carrots you already have grown in the farm, go feed the dog first, then grab the carrot, feed the customer, then feed the dog again when you go back to the farm. If you watch back video and think about the dog reset timer, you will see what I am talking about. I promise you would have double the bonemeal, save time in the long run, and have more stock.
1:49:10 the only popping and locking tango will do is popping his hip out it's socket and locking his back up ❤
I’ve just thought, could you maybe have a wandering trader upgrade? So the players with this upgrade activated can order one crafted item before the day begins (anything from beetroot soup to cake) and that’s it until the upgrade comes back. It might need some tweaking but I think something like that could add some interesting strategy
Thank you Tango for making this game and the Vods. I cant tell you how much all of this has helped me in the last year. Who you are and what you do really adds to my quality of life. A million thank yous from me
Every week I look forward to these vods of you and skizz (and sometimes the other hermits) playing hungry hermits for 3 hours
Hungry Hermits is so much fun to watch! 😊
Idea. Flickering lights in the restaurant makes the patience worse. Fixed by both parties going to the farm to the fuse box.
You could add a composter outside for extra seeds for a little bit of extra bonemeal
"First things first, I'm the realest" caught me off guard 😂
I can hear Tango praying every time he feeds Bone Jovi 🦴
personally i am on team play forever I loooove watching this vods so so much
2:39:35 made me so happy when you started growing continuously instead of pausing to organise the pile after each grow
Stream starts at 8:02:)
Tango, in case you want to really solve the dog issue: You found a dog at -520, 82, 2155 (1:22:16) While I don't know how much effort it takes to get your camera account into survival, I'm sure you spent overall more than 40 min so far.
Uber Ruber could be behind an iron door or trapdoor that's only opened when you play. Or a sticky piston that lowers a block to expose him, this would be more aesthetic than the iron and would fit seamlessly in the corner beside the kennel. Or you could have hidden a button behind a block that exposes it for your games. Additionally, consider a single player option that opens the doors. I, and many others no doubt, am keen to see Pearl play alone, which will also start another "competition". Keep up the great content ❤️