
Right on time. I'm having a tremendous amount of anxiety and panic attacks today. This is beginning to calm me down as I type this. Thank you!


Ooh, this one feels lively.  Definitely has a sense of motion, like a rumbling river.


I do really like hearing the different colors in each ear. It does actually feel kind of binaural beats. It's very nice, I really enjoy this sound. I instantly relaxed after being constricted for a while. ❤🙏


I once had to abandon my apartment to move back in with my mother. The story has a happy ending, but it began with depression and a 72 hour long bus ride.

This is the sound of that bus ride that began a major chapter of my life. Ty


Ahhhh this one is very lovely and smoothing, feels like a more subtle white noise, and yes I think I can hear the binaural effect you added😼❤❤


Very nice!  Thank you!


I was curious how gems would sound, and it seems like quartz so far is the obvious chief amongst them. Very curious if any others are just as useful.




Very nice!


Perfect  thanks




This is great!! Thank you!!


:) turquoisey noisy


Why do are some of ur vids set to kid mode? I can't save them to Playlist bc of it.


What does the name mean?


Update : just woke up and it is 6 and a half hours later. Lmaoo good morning


Like standing near water falls + river + 10000 washing machine


Great until the ads wake you up