
Got to say that this and and the Marine theme are my two favourites...  😊


4 & 5 stars on this level BLEW MY MIND.  Had to take breaks to cure some sanity.  Well worth the effort though….


when you said windows all around for the cafeteria I thought finally one of your rooms would allow actual daylight to come in, but no, lol. interesting level though! makes me wish I would have gone for that one first before the science one


I didn't expect the cheese turn, but I'm loving it XD.


Yes!  This is so helpful!  Watching you figure out the shape cells and the bulbs "mini game", and the knowledge over buzz donations is so helpful! Thank you for your videos!


I don’t know what they smoked when they created this game but I want some too! 😂


Oh my goodness. I feel so silly, I couldn’t find mozzastella! I just needed to keep scrolling right 🤭 on the console it wasn’t so obviously 😅


Yay!  A Sci Fi museum!  Love it so far.  How about a Cheesy exhibit room for the cheesy stuff?




Love your videos always. So far, since discovering you, I have bought and started playing Planet Coaster 2 and Two Point Museum. I was mainly a MMO player snd didn'trealize how much I needed these types of games in my life. Thanks so much for your sense if humor!.


🎉 yaaaay 🎉 finally 🎉 was waiting for this videoooo ❤ thank you


I’ve just realised you’re not saying ‘space crap’ 😂 Space Scrap! Gotcha


Several times in your videos I've heard you say, "I'm not sure how big this (the room) is supposed to be."  Up at the top, when you are building the room, it shows you the minimum size you need.  I know I'm behind on videos so I'm sure you've realized that, but wanted to bring it up just in case.


Don't forget to go back to the MOON!


Some injuries can be permanent and/or require a special expedition to remove. So...


Loving look this one


Sci fi spacccceeeee. The other museum I would say steampunk science


Whattt in space?