
Brad encouraging Steve throughout this video is something I hope we see more of, it was really wholesome and refreshing out of those two


A Brad and Sean worst ball vs everyone else best ball would be incredible.


Lol that shot tracer at 5:29 will be forever one of my favorite youtube moments thanks Steven Castañeda


Bubbie thinking that calling someone “lil fella” is better than calling them “buddy” is one of the most insane things I’ve ever heard.


I have been loving Garrett and Matt’s teams lately. Feels like they are just really close friends like the old days


Sean and bubbie are team robocop… Sean’s robotic swing and bubbies cop mustache. Love that duo


The shot that went 80 yards, backward, is the moment this video earned my 👍.   😂😂


I love you guys! Thanks for watching


Format suggestion: Holing out should make the worst ball null and void. Once a ball is holed, your team has posted a score. Incentivizes trying to chip in still and avoids the situations where you're lagging putts with no meaning because the first putt missed.


18:10 Brad sounding like Steve’s father😂


Steve hitting that rock was hilarious 😂😂


"Back to when like 45 of me could beat a T-Rex" Only things Bubbie could come up with!!! 26:05 🤣


These are so much fun to watch because you have people like Brad that aren't so good at golf paired with people like Steve that just wakes up and pisses excellence!


14:39 agree with Sean, buddy isn't that bad. calling people lil fella is definitely worse than calling them buddy. 😂😂


That merch drop cut was absolutely sick. Loved it!


One of my favorite Good Good videos so far. Loved the creativity and the new challenge of this course. Keep up the good work!


It's so early in the morning and Matt has me laughing out loud


Sean’s shot at 21:10 is insanity


“Yes Remy, that’s a rock” 😂


24:40 “why are you still looking at it? Is it gone?!” 😂😂