
All clips are both from 21 and 22 Jump Street
Hope you guys enjoy!

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"College kids aren't dumb like Eric"
"I was supposed to go to Berkeley" sad face 🤣


“Look at all these people, students and uh... potential witnesses”


The casual “don’t blow on me son” always kills me😂


"Eric's been all up in that shit! Ain't that right Eric?"
"..you guys gotta get me the fuck outta here.."


This movie is all what baywatch could not accomplish


I wish they made 23 street and every number after that


Poor Erik, all he wanted was to go to Berkeley


The way ice cube delivers the "stalked her?" line is so underrated. A voice crack from ice cube is something I never thought I'd hear in my life LOL. So damn funny


This movie was just on another level. Feels like yesterday that this came out. They don't make comedies like this no more!


So do you like weather 😂


11:02 Johnny depp's character literally called his position out and it went over their heads lol


9:18 "how you doin mr nice plant" lmao


“So, do you like weather?” Kills me every time.


7:24   “how your classes going doug”       Smitt- “ here just in the neighborhood” 🤣🤣


6:50 he actually laughs for a second :D


Watching this movie for the first time was just unreal I wish I could forget about it and watch it all over again 😂


The fact this video doesn't include the scene where Channing Tatum finds out that Jonah Hill is dating Cube's daughter invalidates the whole thing.


8:50 the way he casually throws like 5 green beans on Cubes plate is so funny


The line, “I’m straight outta Compton” came from Queen Latifah. That’s crazy