
sorry i had too much fun with the other immersive portals video, last one i promise!


>Watched Shalz back when he played with the Immersive Portals mod
>Stopped watching for 3 years
>Found him in my recommended again
>He's still playing with the mod



Shalz never fails to remove the euclidian


Immersive portals and create would be a crazy combo


The dimension stack is an interesting idea since it connects the thought that the different dimensions are actually the same world but at different levels


1:39 “WHOooOHW! WHat tha fuU’Uuf!”


the way he said "uWOAHUHAHOHH" at 5:34 got me laughing so hard for some reason


Here is a cool tip you can do, first create a portal that is flat either using the portal helper or the wand from the mod, then create a portal that is not flat and that is facing up and down, then light the portal and then align yourself so that what you see through the flat portal is upside down and then when you fall through the flat portal after you stop flying, you should see your camera flip almost like a flip. I love this and I think you’ll like it too. Sorry for the errors.


the dimension stack "loop" option makes it a loop so you can fall forever through the same dimensions


1:39 lyrics:



2:46 shalz figuring out how invisibility works (theoretically at least)


new survival series? 😂 tiny players + immersive portals + like chisel mod so you can carve the blocks to the right scale as if you were normally mining


I made a pack with this just yesteday, but also added the gravity mod (and a mod to make the portals easier to modify in survival), and you can set the portals to change your gravity when you go through. It's kinda amazing.
So like, you build one portal in the wall, and another in the floor, set them to change gravity, and BOOM! You can now walk through the portal and up the wall. Just be careful not to fall into the sky.


All I can think of when watching this, is making like, a 1:1 scale adventure map of Mario 64, you could make map art of the paintings, and then put the portals behind them, which lead to the different painting worlds. It would be SO cool if someone did that (if someone hasn’t already)


1:39 Woaow, what the fuuf?


0:29 make every single cow size 0.2😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


1:39 Whoah, what the fuf?




If portals are entities, make them train drivers 😂


You can change the portal helper stick while shift-right-clicking it and you can make the world in a way that when you fall to the real void you go to the place you've placed at the top.