
► Go to https://groundnews.com/peter to access worldwide news and see through biased coverage. Subscribe through my link for 40% off unlimited access.
► NOTE: 10,000 people were made homeless and 7 died in Jacksonville fires (1901). I got that wrong in the video. 
► Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@JAXSHERIFF
► Sheriff's Insta: https://www.instagram.com/t.k._waters/
► Vic's Insta: https://www.instagram.com/vicmicolucci/
► Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Insta: https://www.instagram.com/jaxsheriff/

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I've never seen a more knowledgeable, level-headed sheriff. Wishing you the best!


Thank you so much for spending the day with us and giving people the opportunity to see part of what goes on in our great community! We appreciate you highlighting the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, the amazing men and women who do the job everyday, the City of Jacksonville and we most certainly appreciate the straight forward way in which you approach your work….with honesty and integrity!  Come back anytime.

Sheriff T.K. Waters


Man, that sheriff is SO PATIENT. No way I wouldn't have lost my patience with that guy just talking and talking and talking. Kudos to him. Tough job for sure.


The way everyone brags about the Sheriff… You can tell that guy’s a leader that everyone looks up to.


Glendale officer here (thanks for the shoutout, Peter!). I haven’t seen another department so aligned with what we’re doing. It’s so good to see! Keep up the great work, Jacksonville!


The Sherrif is an incredible down to earth, compassionate, intelligent, and reasonable man. Every city in America needs someone like him.


That sheriff is the definition of a great man.


Crazy how good these mini documentaries are. You learn more from this channel than all legacy media combined.


Lifetime Jax resident here.  This is by far the best piece ever in explaining the operations of JSO.  Local media seems to approach JSO actions with the usual legacy media agenda.  This showed a side of JSO that many did not know even existed, especially the proactive policing components.  Thanks Peter for putting this out there in such a raw and unbiased fashion, and allowing the world to see the extraordinary job Sheriff Waters and his staff perform on a day-to-day basis, and most importantly portraying the City of Jacksonville in such a  positive light.  Also, kudos to Vic Micolucci, who I am sure had a large role in putting this together.  You'll never know the positive impact this one piece will have had on JSO and the City of Jacksonville.  Great job to everyone involved.


"You talk more than you listen..." bam. That man in the red shirt was exhausting and the perfect example of who the Sherrif was talking about.


This is the kind of Sheriff every community in America needs. My opinion. 💯❤️💪🏼


I am a lifelong resident of Jacksonville and I can say honestly this is a great depiction of how Jacksonville is. Compliments to Peter for providing this insightful video and much appreciation to T.K. Waters as he is beyond a doubt, the right man for the job. Thanks to everyone who made this video happen, including Natalia Santonello. I am sure she does not get as much recognition as she deserves for editing these videos. Thanks again to everyone!


That Sheriff is exactly what we need in every city!


This Sheriff is a terrific human being doing the work with strength & compassion! This is a great episode! Thank you Peter!


Sherrif Waters is 100% accurate, transparent and honest. He is a model lawman with a sense of duty.


This sheriff was so damn intelligent, level headed, empathetic and respectful. I hope he somehow hears about how many viewers loved him doing this video and appreciate the knowledge he passed on.

Mad props to the sheriff for dealing with someone who is dead set in their mental framework and doesn’t stop talking despite asking questions nonstop. The sheriff can answer every single issue he brought up if he would listen.


I am born and raised in Jacksonville… 70+ yrs later … this is a great example of the Jax Culture 
Sheriff Waters is the best!


Props to the sheriff.  Started at the bottom and worked his way to the top.  The American dream in 1440p video.  T.K. Waters seems to be a sheriff who seriously cares about his community and the people in it.  He also seems to be a man who doesn't let social influence make decisions for him.  Props to Sheriff Waters.  Keep up the good work.

Another great video!


Lifelong Jacksonville resident here - 42 y/o. This is my Sheriff and I couldn’t be prouder. Love my city and love JSO!! ❤❤❤