With Harmony OS, Welcome to the new Experience than others Also, New Things that More Different than Apple🤭🤭🤭
Waiting for it Xiaomi should get harmonyos too😭😭❤️🔥
Amazing!! Extremely smooth and fast!! Try your best...Carry on... Congratulations on Huawei's making a significant breakthrough in its own innovtive operating system‼ It is generally belivered that Huawei HarmonyOS has just compared favorable with Google's Andriod as well as Apple's iOS as the main stream of 5G Smart Phone's Operating System in the 5G/6G smart phone world-wide market.❤️👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰
I wish Xiaomi goes with HarmonyOS ❤️
I hope nova 7 5g get the new harmony os....
Is harmony os compatible with OnePlus phones?
I think All chinese Phones Xiaomi Oppo and Huwaei will go with Harmony.
Only Huawei 😍 😍 😍
Soooo excited
The voice on this is really annoying. Why use a speech engine instead of an actual human? The inflection is off so much.
First comment
R.I.P Android
nova 7i getting harmony os
Android is still better!! 😂
if there is something worse than Samsung it's Huawei