The "automatic whistle" is referring to if you bind a whistle to a train, and then put it in a deployer facing a station, the train will come to that station.
what's cool is that having multiple gauge's for tracks is a real thing. You might have heard of Narrow Gauge lines. They are cheaper than standard gauge lines and are capable of making tighter turns. they are ideal for difficult terrain and are typically used in mountainous regions. the narrower tracks cause a dip in stability which results in necessary limits on size and speed.
i could see the wide tracks being really nice for passenger trains. more room on the inside to decorate the cabs and all that
Create is gonna be the harbinger of the best tech/automation mods ever made bro 🔥
My favorite addition here is the narrow gauge tracks. All you would need is a good/large mountainous seed and then you could build the ultimate mountain railway.
>Shalz is explaining his want of a mine and how it will look Mhm, okay, right... Now, does that come before or after all the other things you haven't finished on the SMP?
Hi Shalz! There is one more type of bogie for wide and narrow gauge. If you right click the default two axle bogie in wide or narrow gauge with your bare hand, it will turn into a single scotch yoke, just like the standard gauge bogie. Have fun with that!
Basicly Create is getting better and better every week
The phantom tracks are just perfect for making flying trains just like galaxy railways.
These Trains look so Good 🚂
0:56 "H-That wasn't a thing before! WHAT THE FU-" I love Shalz's editing so much
Whoever makes the Steam & Rails mod has an unhealthy obsession with trains. Like me
Now, with create being elite, shalz must show us his feet. Christ on a stick, I left for 3 hours and came back to 54 likes #shalzfeetpicsclub
Create mod was so successful that we have mods for a mod now.
this video is more complex than shalz's upload schedule
"Hey dog can I get some train" "Only a bogeyful"
Loved the video @Shalz! Can't wait for the next video man! The New Update for "Create: Steam and Rails" looks so cool! Can't wait for it to be on the Survival Series man! I did get the Specs for the LMS (London, Midland and Scottish) Stanier Class 5 4-6-0 Tender Engine. This is what Henry from "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends" is based on. The Page on Wikipedia wasn't completely Thorough so there will be some Estimates included along the way. 842 Engines were Built and to this day only 18 are still preserved and even running in some cases, Most of which are currently getting their Boiler Tickets Renewed. So without further ado, I present the Specs for the LMS Stanier Class 5 4-6-0 Tender Engine. LMS Stanier Class 5 4-6-0 Tender Engine: • Guage: 4 ft. 8.5 in. (1.448 Meters). • Leading Diameter: 3 ft. 3.5 in. (1.012 Meters). • Driver Diameter: 6 ft. (1.846 Meters). • Length: 63 ft. 7.75 in. (14.583 Meters) or 63 ft. 11.75 in. (19.685 Meters). • Loco Weight: 72.1 Long Tons (80.752 Short Tons, 73.242 Tonnes) (Est. Loco Length of 11.223 Meters or 11.282 Meters). • Tender Weight: 53.7 Long Tons (60.144 Short Tons, 54.550 Tonnes) (Est. Tender Length of 8.359 Meters or 8.402 Meters). • Fuel Type: Coal (In the Create Mod, you can also use Charcoal). • Fuel Capacity: 9 Long Tons (10.08 Short Tons, 9.142 Tonnes). • Water Capacity: 4,800 US Gallons (4,000 Imp. Gallons, 18,168 Liters) (1 mB is 1 Liter, so 18,168 millibuckets). Firebox: • Firegate Area: 27.75 sq. ft. or 28.5 sq. ft. (2.553 m² or 2.622 m²). • Boiler Pressure: 225 lbf/in² (1.35 MPa) Superheated (lbf is Pound Force, MPa is Millipascals, lbf/in² is Basically another way of saying psi). Heating Surface: • Tubes and Flues: 1,426 to 1,479 sq. ft. (131.192 to 136.068 m²). • Firebox: 156 or 171 sq. ft. (14.352 or 15.732 m²). Superheater: • Heating Area: 228 to 365 sq. ft. (20.976 to 33.58 m²). • Cylinder Size: 18.5 in. × 28 in. (0.474 Meters by 0.717 Meters). • Tractive Effort: 25,455 lbf (101.82 kN). • Top Speed: Up to 96 mph (155.963 kph or 43.323 m/s) in one case. Now you'll need a 4 Wheeled Boogie (2 wheels per Side) and a 6 Wheeled Boogie (3 Wheels per side) for the Engine, and then 3 2 Wheeled Boogies (1 Wheel per Side) for the Tender. The Height is going to be similar to the Diagram 960 PMV's at 12 Feet (3.692 Meters). The Width should be Similar as well at 8 ft. 4.25 in. (2.570 Meters). Due to the Size of this Steam Engine, building a Train with this and even the SE&CR Diagram 960 PMV (4-Wheeled and Boogie Wheeled Versions) will necessitate the Inclusion of the "Create: No Limits" Add-on as Half of the available Boogies normally in the Create Mod are Taken up with this Steam Engine, meaning you can only use 1 Diagram 960 PMV and a Single 20-ton Brake Van. I'll have the Specs for the SE&CR Diagram 960 PMV Utility Van for you in the Next video and the BR 20-ton Brake Van for the video after that. Let me know what you think about this and I'll catch you in your next video man! In case anyone was wondering, I spent about an hour Typing this up!
Wide and narrow tracks? Yes please! I've wanted both for ages. Wide for proper passenger trains and narrow to simulate miniature ride-able trains
Idea: Make an armored train/blimp with create cannons. It would be super cool.