
Israel caused the damage, if the US pays for this then deduct the amount for reconstruction from Israel's annual budget that we provide for military equipment, over $700 million dollars, do that Netanyahu will be serious in his negotiations with the Palestinians.


How about israel?


Help the people and condemn both parties


Hypocrisy at its height



America First...oops
Wrong Administration...


Let Iran pay for it.


No, it's not our problem. We were there to stop it, not help rebuild.


This is why Hamas continued to behave this way because he knows that the enemies of Israel will help him I pray for the peace of Israel God is with you all shalom


Israeli bombardment of Ghazza focused on destruction of infrastructure beside the human targats. Arabs and others will finance reconstruction which will directly and indirectly benefit Isreali industry for some years.ย  This cycle will continue untilย  the Palestinians are given their rights to manage their own affairs and governance.


If anyone wants prayer for anything, let me know. God is a God of miracles and he's a good Father. God bless

