:_btgDarbyoof:Don't trust anything... :_btgSupermario: What enemies should I make next???
Toad: "Are you having fun yet?" *KABOOM* ...Ah, that wasn't Toad. That was his evil doppelganger, Spload.
goobertown's a fully original gamestyle by me (and averyprobably)!! hoping to fix some wacky quirks of that so it's at it's best :] glad you liked the theme! awesome video :D!! (fun level too, was challenging :o)
10:39 "Uh, I feel so bad for people that fall for that." cracked me up pretty intensely.
Enemy Names Brick block: Briimba (Brick and Goomba) Super Mushroom: Menashroom (Menace and Mushroom) 1-Up Mushroom: 1-Down Mushroom Pipe: Pipey (its perfect!) Ground Block: Grounder (Ground and Muncher) Checkpoint: Chompoint (Chomp and Checkpoint) Cloud: Cloudy (Pun INTENDED!) Falling Platform: Following Platform Trampoline: Trapoline (Trap and Trampoline) Flagpole: Flawfulpole ( try saying that 5x fast!) Hope you like it Darby!😊
7:01 A fun detail to warn players, maybe have the "skull" blink a little while not chomping to show something's up.
Alternative Title: Mario, but everything is an undercover CIA agent trying to hunt him
Im just gonna say what we're all thinking....... The pipe monster looks like jumbo josh
This concept is starting to remind me of a game I used to watch another YouTuber play called Default Dan. It’s a side scrolling platformer available on the PC and it basically flips Super Mario’s script on its head. You’re a red-capped dude saving his big turtle friend from a jealous princess. Coins and cupcakes kill you. Spikes are bouncy, and the bottomless pits are actually portals that spawn put you on the top of the screen. It’s actually a surprisingly cool concept if you’re looking for a casual adventure. Edit (7:18PM): it's for the PC, not the Wii.
Boom Boom Pipe ❌❌ Pipey Guy ❌❌ Jumbo Josh Pipe ✅✅
I love these Mario Multiverse Videos, always the highlight of my week.
It's really cool to be able to design Mario boards then play them. Very nice 👍🏽 Also... HotSpot, Lil Sparky, Chain ⛓️ Chomp, Buzzy Beats 😂
Hey, thank you for playing my level - the volcano cave one. These custom enemies are too addicting to make stuff with lol.
Your content is genuinely amazing I’ve been watching you since before I even had an account and I’m just so glad you have a healthy relationship with your fan base. Keep doing well and have an amazing day/night depending on your time zone!
Ayo, thanks BTG for playing my goober level, i was learning about the theme while creating too! its was fun.
I feel like this concept is much better suited for a ghost house level. Some of these enemies are kinda creepy and would fit well in ghost house under the premisse that the objects the player is used to and trust so much are now haunted.
Why the heck does evil pipe looks like Jumbo Josh
Tricky troll level, but fun! You asked us what names the enemies could have, here are some ideas: - Berserk Brick or Briklet (brick enemy) - Chompshroom or Munchshroom (mushroom enemy) - Pogopipe or Pogopipe Piper (pipe enemy) - Cheeky Cloud or Fluffo (cloud enemy) - Chaselevator (lift enemy) - Chompoint (checkpoint enemy) - Springtrap or Sprungspike (spring enemy) - Tagpole (flagpole enemy) - Grumplock or Groundnipper (ground enemy) I'm not great at naming things, but I tried! Also, trust nothing!
Three Multiverse videos in quick succession? Feasting good over here.