
"And I couldn't live with myself if somebody got hurt" reminder that storm chasers producers forced TWISTEX to chase the super outbreak despite Tim really not wanting to.


R.I.P. Tim , Carl, Matt and Joel..... Unbelievable they're all gone😥


Honestly I don't think they would really care. They dropped the show a long time ago, & there's no videos of this or any of the DVD excusive stuff archived on Youtube. If you are worried they would remove it, just make a google drive containing all the exclusive content. I don't have the DVDs but I'm really interested in all of these that not many people including myself have seen. You should also try ripping stuff from the DVD to get clean copies.


23:10 well if that ain't some foresight...less than 2 years later.


you got the screamer still years later.


what is the song that plays at 0:07? do you know?


Will you upload the Behind the Storms of season 5?


What was in the white cobalt during filming


if you can would you play the intro song of season 4 disk? Or is it season 3? idr


Could you do blooper's?


19:32 i dOnt liKe yoU rIde iN thaT tHiNg


Your a lucky basterd to have the dvd. I hunt for this shit on amazon. I will tell you that season 2 does have behind the scenes of the dow, tiv 1, and the scout of season 2.