The level of detail in NPCs and the population density is impressive.
I don't know about you, but I always get emotional when I look at these videos. They make me feel like I don't have enough time to look and see everything, everything is so detailed, and has been put there by someone. And everyone that walks around has their own story, and you will never know their life story. It's like a very strong fear of missing out, mixed with a strange nostalgia, and also awe and wonder at the miracle of creation and how vast can the human experience be. So many colours, so many stories, each little nook and cranny would make me stay there and contemplate it for minutes, just absorbing its essence and the atmosphere around the place. The noises, the smells, the beautiful girls, the men working in important businesses, the old guy caught in his routine, the young guy working at the bar or at the restaurant, the tourists, all these boards with all these writings... There's so much human activity and so many things going on at the same time that it's scary, and it's amazing, and awe inspiring. It overwhelms me, and I love to contemplate existence and to just look at all this stuff flow in front of me like it is just a flow of unimportant things, even though each single one of those things is existentially and deeply important from its own point of view, and this makes this whole thing incredibly fascinating, shocking, awe inspiring and moving.
i just got a 4k 144hz hdr monitor acer predator, and this is my first hdr video, and i gotta say, this blew me away... looks so real, im so fascinated with this, thank you for making this video
SEGA really nailed it with the Dragon Engine.
Can we just appreciate the camera that films at 4k HDR without any noise in full darkness?
It's amazing that even the red light district is this clean! I've heard that Tokyo is the only major metropolis in the world THAT WORKS. You should be proud of your city. I am impressed at your courtesy and cleanliness.
I love JAPAN 🇯🇵♥️
lmao the guy at 9:34 trying to pick up that one girl and she struts off. Thank you for the video!
Seeing this makes me feel like I'm playin Yakuza 6 in first person 😍 I love Japan 🇯🇵
the lights in HDR feel so real, like they're actually lit
Can we take a second to appreciate how silent it is on these streets? If this was London or New York you'd barely be able to hear the person speaking next to you, it's so peaceful in contrast lol.
I could get lost in this city and feel safe.
いつも日本の綺麗な景色を見せてくださり、ありがとうございます。私も散歩が趣味なので、VIRTUAL JAPANさんの動画を毎回楽しみにしています!🌸
The perfect blend of nostalgia and futurism
Thanks! Now I can lie more convincingly when I say I've been to Japan 😜
首先感谢视频作者的拍摄,4K HDR让人看起来很舒服。另外日本给我留下了很深刻的印象,2019年的时候去过一次,首先让我感觉每个人都很有礼貌,街道也比较干净,空气也很好。这个视频让我好像又回到了2019年的夏天在日本街道闲逛的感觉。
I really enjoyed this video, as well as the all of the other walking tour videos. I am fascinated with anything that pertains to Japan, and it's my dream to visit the country.
Amazing to always be able to return to Kabukicho with this one walking tour. WalkTube channels are great because of this. Love ASMR!