
Fortnite have COOKED with this skin ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥


Do we at least get a exclusive edit style for buying the code at least . Because that doesn’t seem fair at all !


I remember when I bought the series x just for the skully skin. It was ~$350. Now it’s almost doubled


That’s insane I have Honor Guard didn’t realize it was that rare now


I love the vid tho!


We just dont get exclusives anymore besides crew. I wish epic would do exclusives again but that will take ages.


Rare clip of Alia cranking 😊


You’re the best YouTuber


I got that yesterday


6:12 Ikonik is my favorite exclusive of all time! His emote is amazing.


Nice vids keep it up


Love your videos


I have rogue spider knight ❤❤


10:11 snowbalt snow foot 😂


The "snowbalt snowfoot"😂😂😂


Sad it isn't exclusive but nice skin


Bro has every call of duties


I love how you said that it makes your aim so much better when you showed a clip of you hitting 2 out of 5 shots


Nice video


It’s crazy