I can't believe how many updates are out already
It's a nice theme, but I would have seen this for Halloween. I would have preferred more of a spring blossom theme!
Funny. Ad is for Infinity Nikki 😅 Watching videos as I await version 1.3. Wonderful videos. Not sure how I missed your videos until today. ❤
This game looks so pretty!
The maybe queen (? Idk ) reminds me soooooo much of lilith in shining Nikki it’s crazy
Hi Emma, Thanks for the heads up on the Update that’s coming!
I hope that we get queen philomias outfit as a miracle outfit because it’s too pretty and detailed to pass up
The whole update looks stunning!
fedora man reminded me of kadru from the ebony scissors 🤔
3:31 why can't we sit like this in game!? HMM! HMMMM? lol. I'm going to keep being salty they fixed the sitting glitch😆 Edit: I mean look how nice that looks without a blanket getting in the way to sit close to creatures! =soft cry= 8:11 I REALLY hope that turning key in the back is not a part of the dress and is a backsway item, I'd adore to have then for diff outfits. 8:22 heh 15..doesn't mean much, the last banner my luck was so bad I went through so many pulls and still haven't completed one 5star banner..I just want the full balloon outfit DX so my lucky of getting any of the newer outfits are unlikely too.
gracias madre nikki
This part of the story would be added from the start. I hope this will not a filler version