
I want to add 1 thing- don't be afraid to use a guide (like Nookepedia) if you're struggling with breeding flowers, figuring out if art is fake, or just any kind of help with the game.  Especially if things get tedious.  Oh, one other tip, TVs can show you the weather of the next day at certain time intervals (I can't remember, but it's always after 12 pm).


The only bad thing that happens after you come back from a hiatus is that your house will be filled with roaches 🤢


I stash away my big bell critters in storage. When CJ and Flick come, cash in! Premium bells really add up! Didn't do this until the museum exhibits were full from donations.


The villagers used to guilt trip you for staying away for too long though. Basically like, "Why did you leave us? I thought you hated me. I thought you were avoiding me. I thought it was all my fault. I was so lonely. Never do that to me again." That was sometimes the thing that kept me away for even longer because I didn't want to deal with the guilt trip for having a life outside of the game. They seemed to have changed that - or the dialogue simply changes when you're away for even longer. Because now after my longest hiatus ever they were more like, "Where have you been? Were you out on an adventure? Good to have you back."


Also, especially the Able Sister's, sometimes you get huge lore drops if you talk to specific characters!


I just want to add that eating the turnips give you 10/10 energy


I did enjoy taking my time.  The relaxed pace of wandering my tropical island was such a joy, and still is.  The only place I hurried was in getting Celestial DIYs.  In the games heyday I would check message boards for anyone hosting a Celste Meet and Greet.  Basically, they dig holes around Celeste to keep her penned in so all the guests can get DIY cards from her.  And even in that I was mainly after the wand recipes.  The idea of having all the wand knowledge was appealing because of my love for Harry Potter lore.  And it took about three years in total, but I think I'm very content with what my island is like now.  Not too many alterations from its start, but enough to make it my own.  So, the game, at least to me, should be a gaming equivalent of wrapping up in a soft blanket on a cold day and just feeling content.  
I drive a semi for a living and having this little slice of cozy to enjoy wherever I end up is such a good feeling.  And I'll admit I play it as much in my head as on the screen.  Imagining all the villagers hanging out, playing games, drinking coffee, or just having fun.  Every year I look up guides for Turkey Day to give my residents a perfect meal.  The thought of them all sitting around a big table, laughing and eating, brings me so much joy.


Bob's Gang 
Haven't done much terraforming. Completed the museum. Maybe halfway thru HHP. Still fish and such. Just kind of live


I’ve reset 2 times the first time I reset because I got bored and ended up losing my favorite villager but the second time was because I took a few months off and really didn’t want to deal with the harassment of literally everyone I ended up spending 3-4 days (I was pretty busy) trying to get an island with apples and a blue airport, it took forever but to my surprise I got my favorite villager as a starter so I am probably never resetting again because I can’t loose him 😭


I want to take a moment to share my unwavering passion for my island and the incredible villagers that call it home. 🌴✨ While some may discuss the temptation to reset or give up, I stand strong in my commitment to my cherished paradise. Each tree, path, and nook on my island is a testament to the love and care I've poured into it. My villagers bring joy and warmth to my heart every single day, and together, we've created a sanctuary that reflects not just my style, but our shared memories and laughter.

The so-called "mistakes" that others highlight on their journeys? To me, they are merely stepping stones on the path of creativity and growth. I’ve always trusted my instincts, choosing what resonates with my heart and aesthetic. The logical decisions I’ve made were inspired by the love I have for my island and my villagers. 🌈💕

Thank you for the insights shared in your video; they ignite even more passion within me! Let’s continue to celebrate the beauty of our unique journeys and the profound connections we share with our islands and villagers. Together, we are building dreams, one flower at a time. 🌼🏝️

With love and determination, I pledge to never give up on my island. It’s more than just a game; it’s a vibrant testament to creativity and community. Here’s to all of us who hold our cherished islands close to our hearts! 💪❤️


Thank you. I needed this. My switch comes in tomorrow 😌🙏


One of the things I make sure to do is to check any extra fossils before I sell them. If I'm not familiar with the fossil, I'll place it on the ground, just to make sure it isn't something I'd like to display as part of my outdoor museum area.


Bob's Gang.


Can I also add, dont be afraid to time travel if it makes the game more enjoyable for you. I refused to do it to begin with but then i got bored super quick. Its a taboo thing for some reason but it's really not that bad.


Yess , I closed without saving when I actually didn’t want the character I invited today. Awww wow! I didn’t know you could get those patterns!


I have picked up the game again and I am about to redo my entire 300+ hour island 😂 i might end up regretting it but… full send 💯


Bob's Gang! I really appreciate all your tips and hints. Thanks.


My downfall has been when I'm half awake in the morning I've dug and accidentally covered the money spot before I've buried bells. Reset before it autosaves! Bob's Gang!:_boblaugh:


yeee even tho i cant change my name on the game, i would never reset as i put almost 400hrs in the game


My huge problem is I hoard everything I’ll have up in the corner over here all the Pears  I’ve collected so far, and that corner is all the coconuts I’ve gotten On one side of the beach all the shells I’ve gotten do I have a problem. Yes, do I care? No, it’s just the way. I’ve always played the game.