How celebrities react to not being recognized shows what character they really are
Sandler example was not a "mishap" He gracefully accepted the same choice others made, wait or leave.
Keanu Reeves sets an example for humanity on behaviour and compassion. Hes an excellent example that other celebs should take note of.
Keanu is wonderful, he doesn’t WANT big attention. He’s real.
I think sometimes, ignoring a celebrity is from respect. I had dinner in Tahoe City, 3 tables from Robin Williams and his daughter. Everyone respectfully left them alone to enjoy their meal.
They shouldn't have special treatment
Thank for telling the full story for the Adam Sandler incident instead of keeping it out for shock value. It truly is a wholesome thing. I also love how Jay was so happy to talk to somone who didn't know him, he was like " A genuine conversation amongst so many shady people"
Why do celebs think that people should know them? Or think they should get special treatment. I respect Kenau Reeves and his humble behavior.
Just because they’re famous, doesn’t mean they should get special treatment over the rest of us
I love it when celebrities get humbled!!
Anyone who uses the question "do you know who I am?" is someone I immediately dislike, even if I liked them prior to that.
The only cringe thing is when ANY individual assumes that everyone else should recognize them or know who they are. Celebrity status can really warp the mind. Every person deserves to be treated with the same respect.
Keanu is a class act.
Paul McCartneys response was EPIC - “how VIP do you have to be, I guess we have to make another hit.”
Keanu Reeves was in a village in vacation close to where i live in France, no one knew he was there until somehow journalists found him and tracked him making photos of him and spreaded it in the local news paper, no one cared but he still had to move out because of the journalists when all he wanted was to enjoy peace and tranquility...
I can understand when celebrities might be a little surprised that people don't recognize them, but they should never feel entitled. Just because they're famous, does not make them any better than anyone else. Love Jen Lawrence just hamming it up more and more.
J Lo is going to wish she wasn’t recognized when the Diddy trials start 😮
Adam Sandler is very humble anyone who recognizes him he will shake their hand but when he isn’t recognized he acts normal and polite ❤Love that guy!
Paul McCartney said, “we need another hit!.” 😂😂😂