
As a French supporter I find the Irish defeatism a bit exaggerated. You guys were missing a couple of key players, you’re in between generations and still were in the lead against a generational French team at the 45th minute. You’re playing a literal kid at flyhalf, he can only learn a lot from these types of games. And there were a couple of harsh ref calls against you. I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water. You do need to find a couple of bigger guys though.


Ian Madigan is a fine analyst. Thank you Ian .


O’Connor’s inability to offer any reasonable feedback on Prendergast is low key one of the funniest things in Irish sports media 😂


The more I listen to Ian Madigan the more I like him. He doesn't subscribe to an easy narrative and provides a more balanced take on games.


Crowley screwed by Management ,going all in on SP was awful disrespectful ,there was no battle of the 10s .they just went all in .
France better team on the day .


A really bad team selection and strategy! Prendergast was absolutely dreadful in the second half. He was clearly the weakest link in the team. Joe McCarthy's stupid decisions cost us too


Have a serious amount of time for Madigans takes on things. Instead of just talking about the games at a high level himself and squidge rugby get into the nitty gritty stuff which not many people can do. Great work 👏


Sad that the discussion is all about the Ref and the impact on Ireland's ability to score. Ireland were out muscled, out-thought and generally out-played by a brilliant French team on the day.


Well done to Will for pushing back again this week on ROC’s persistent blind defense of Prendergast. There is no doubt that Prendergast has serious potential but O’Connor’s inability to even remotely criticize his performance is staggering. The lack of journalistic integrity is comical, he behaves like somebody on a YouTube fan page.


As an Englishman, it looked to me like Ireland just had one of those days. France took full advantage. How the f did France lose to us?😂


The managements handling of Crowley/Prendergast has been bizarre. To not give Crowley a second of game time at 10 after his impact against England is hard to fathom.  Wouldn't be shocked if they try to phase him out of the squad completely and replace with a second level backup that won't apply any pressure on Prendergast.


The biggest mystery of this 6N is why Crowley hasn't played much at out half...he hasn't done much wrong


Us Irish are fickle indeed. If the shoe was on the other foot, if France lost BB and Penaud aswell as being 14 men for 20 minutes of the match against very good opposition what would the result be? Yes, we're lacking depth in certain positions and indeed we've plateau'ed somewhat since the Autumn series. Errors were made and some ref decisions went against us. That's sport. 
France are a phenomenal side who should be going for the grand slam. They've big men, plenty of depth, speed and flair. There is no shame losing to that side. The nature of the defeat in the second half is no surprise given the cards and loss of starting players. Less catastrophising from the Irish media.
Prendergast and Crowley are both excellent 10s. I think they should've shared the minutes throughout the 6N. I don't think how this has been managed has served either player tbh.


Ruadhri only ever plays down Crowley. Constantly. He said at 30:25, management may have lost faith after what Crowley did in South Africa. What was that? He okay every minute and won a test there. Won the 6 nations. Beat France away. Has won a URC. Thankfully the host is saying the truth. It's project Prendergast and it's to the detriment of Crowley who's done nothing other than play consistently at a high level for Ireland.

Ruadhri is a blinded biased fan. He's not being fair and equal at all and it's getting hard to listen to. 
At least the host has sense and spoke a lot of sense on this regarding the bias and mistreated of Crowley.


It’s funny that ye can’t just say that Prendergast was extremely poor with ball in hand and his all round kicking game. Crowleys temperament and physicality would have been a much better suit for such a high pressure and physical match up.


Who is the better 10 crowley by far


Agreed, Crowley's been massively shafted this tournament and I say that regardless of any of the results btw, even if they beat France or had they lost to Wales etc, changes nothing about that. I also don't feel it fair on Prendergast either to have to keep shipping 80 minutes either btw.  The guy was blowing hard in the last 15 minutes against Wales and yet they didn't make the call. 

That's not even in-keeping with typical Irish gameplay and I don't think it's because Faz isn't at the helm since he probably still calls the shots anyway. Normally, regardless of who starts at number 10 and 9, we see both substituted at some point in the second half both to freshen up the pace and to add a new dynamic that the very different styles coming off the bench offer. In that regards I was sad to hear Murray retire since I felt he was still an excellent player with bags of experience along with offering a very different style of attacking and defensive proposition.


This is a very difficult listen. To begin, one of the lads generated some hypothetical scenarios where Ireland 'could' have been 12-14 points up. Predergast had a shocker, he was manhandled repeatedly, kicked away good possession, fumbled countless balls, and made really naive decisions. None of these were called out adequately. If the boy gets all the praise when things go right, he should then get some honest feedback when things go wrong. 
Secondly, and very laughably, some refereeing calls were considered questionable and deemed critically harmful to Ireland. This is old oldest moan in the rugby book, blame the ref.
Finally, the missing players were repeatedly raised as a reason for this hammering. Nonsense. Every rugby team has injuries and unavailabilities,  it's not a uniquely Irish affliction. 
The reason we lost is that the wrong outhalf was picked, and we have zero genuine world class pace from 10-15.
Please please accept that we were deservedly beaten out the gate by the way better team. No excuses. Win with dignity, lose with dignity, and please offer honest evaluations on all players, as difficult as it may be for you guys to be critical of the Leinster lads


Prentergast totally overated, strange how they IRFU have put their eggs in one basket. At 60mins Crawley should have been given a chance.


joe mc carthy is a liability he cost his team mates big time ,should be dropped from the squad for a bit to put manners on him.