
When a storm chaser says you need to turn around. I’m not wasting any time. Lol


I met Reed and Chris through a contest held by Discovery Channel. They flew my mom and I to OK City. We met them for lunch, got to ride in the Dominator to Norman to see the SPC. It was a fucking blast. Sadly, Joel wasnt able to make it (may he rest in peace). I ended up meeting Reed three more times. He is a super nice guy and always recognized me.


RIP all the fallen storm chasers .


I was heartened to hear the teams express concern for those above ground, for calling in the tornado's location, and for stating that, "If any farms are hit, they're going in to check."  Excellent!  Thank you!


I forgot about Tim, his son, and Carl passing away. Loved them all on the show. Rest in Peace.


This show was my childhood. I used to watch this show everyday and I still do. This is by far my favorite weather show ever. This show is what got me so fascinated with weather.


RIP Team Twistex. They were killed chasing the record breaking El Reno, Oklahoma tornado in 2013.


When James Spann is on TV standing in his suspenders you know it is fixing to get real.


RIP Tim, Paul, Carl and Joel. All super humans. I had some tears watching this. Please all chasers stay safe and healthy especially now made harder in 2020 by coronavirus.


Did not expect to burst into tears watching this after Tim and his team's passing... Rest in Peace to some amazing men!


"I've never seen a tornado like this in my life!"  Reed always says that.


Watching this...I was fighting back tears. I remember being glued to the tv & praying it didn't hit us but more so praying for the people it did hit. When the final death tolls came in, it broke my heart but I can't say I was totally surprised. I live about 30 min north & a little east of Birmingham. When Tuscaloosa was being hit, we had debris raining down in our yard. I knew anything with THAT kind of power was a killer. There were photographs, carpet padding, book pages...random stuff. I started crying when I saw the padding falling to the ground bc I knew someone's home was gone & they might be too. Since then, I've tried to learn more about tornadoes so that hopefully I won't ever be caught out in one. I know why you do what you do & I thank you all for that but I worry for you all. Stay safe 💜


RIP Tim samaras, Paul, Carl Young, and Joel Taylor.


“If we’re quiet it won’t hit us” I’m dead😭😭


I remember watching this as a kid omg I miss this show so much!


The fear in reeds voice when he says “ there is houses up there ! “ is showing that these storm chasers actually care about our safety


This was my birthday. What an awful day. People died in every direction from here, as there was just no where to run. That 3D footage was taken 10 miles from my house. RIP to the hundreds who lost their lives, deadliest tornado day since 1936. 
RIP to Twistex team, and to Joel.


When I was 16 driving alone in a thunderstorm, while sitting at a stop sign in my neighborhood lightning struck a large tree in front of me and caught it on fire. Needless to say I also have a fear of lighting. One of the reasons I became a storm spotter/weather nerd.



You can see the fear plastered on Reeds face when he hears the roar of the tornado. It's at that moment he realizes that this tornado is unlike any other tornado he has chased before, that this tornado is indeed a monster and a killer rolled into one. And I honestly don't blame him for having that kind of reaction. Just hearing a roar like that is enough to get even the most experienced chaser running in the opposite direction.


That outbreak changed the face of my little town. The EF4 that came through Cullman ended up missing my house by less than a hundred yards.