
Getúlio Vargas on the thumbnail.

"Hello there!" - Brazilians.


Viva Getúlio Vargas!!!!!🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷do Brasil


Why Vargas on military populism? Vargas was ultimately deposed by the army.


fairly fair, at definitions/jargons level.


Left wing populism was also used by people like Corbyn


Authoritarian centrist eco-populsim would be ideal.


0:00 Every time I take the politics compass test I get this. Even though I would consider me as an right wing populist


Liberal populism is also left-wing.


I'm so proud of my nation for choosing nationalism over globalism✊🏻🇺🇲💪🏻🦅


Let's go far far far right