After every photo I take - I yell, "YES!! BETTER THAN JASON VONG AGAIN!!"
This a simple but priceless idea, thanks Jason. The amount of times I have given up on going through all my photos because there are too many.
I'm don't even do photography, I just LOVE this guy 🤣🤣🤣
I personally like to view ALL my photos on my laptop… it’s like opening a present… you never know what you’ll get and the excitement of finding that “perfect” photo (that I took personally). It’s hard to really see what photos really look like just through the viewfinder. Yes,there will be thousands, but when you find “THAT” photo you know all the hard work paid off.
“Only getting 10 likes on IG” I feel attacked 😂
Aw man I was hoping the star would be reflected in Lightroom without having to deal with that intermediate step!
yep done this for years so handy and opening in bridge i can easily and quickly sort the images especially when i ask the model if on a shoot for her to choose her fave shots she likes
Great job on the video Jason! Thanks for making it.
Marvellous, cheers Uncle Jason Vong 🫡
As always your tips and ticks get to the point and actually help me get better! Ty Jason🙌🏻🙌🏻
You have the best content well done sir
Lifesaver! 🙏
He has done it again!
It is a nice tip but you can save all the hassle by using the default setting on C3 marked as "key" and since it protects them (also shown in the menu) they cannot be deleted as easy as a normal photo. There is a simple way in Windows to show this attribute, cant say that for Mac since I never used it.
For the photos and videos i shoot, the last one in the sequence is supposed to be the best. But i love to be suprised when an earlier shot is better than the last one. It's a match between my mind/ memory and ego 🙃
Great stuff Jason. Love your channel... Used to have a Sony A7R3 - which I no longer have but now I am looking at purchasing the Sony A7CR - needed lighter along with the 24-70 II lens for travel... You're very fun & inspirational... Keep up the great work....
Such a good tip!
Liked and already a subscriber. This tip obviously came about after a lot of pain sorting through images. I have the same issue with lots of photos. Going to set this up on my a7r5 now. LOL
You’re the greatast. Informativ videos and funny. ❤