
Imagine how furious Anakin must've been if he got to know that he didn't became a master but bunny-cat thing did.


Among Star Wars characters, A’Sharad Hett must have lived one of the most interesting lives. To live from Pre-Clone Wars, through the Clone Wars, survived Order 66, lived through the Galactic Civil War, Thrawn, Dark Empire, Yuuzhan Vong, and ruling over the galaxy. Crazy longevity.


"You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master... But we will grant the rank for Jabba cousin "


you want me to insult a very small person with a lightsaber?
this won't end well


If I recall, there was a Jedi in Legends who was trained by Luke who was basically just a tree.


A fun fact about Sharad Hett: It was said that Sharad’s fame as a Jedi was one of the things that made his Master Eeth Koth so renowned within the Order


A Tusken Jedi is probably the most interesting concept when you also consider this sort of rite of passage they go through in finding their Gaderffii stick as Boba Fett did when he was indoctrinated into one of the tribes.

I have spoken.


these are some pretty crazy 10 rarest species to be Jedis in Star Wars. W video keep it up man.


Imagine his fury and rage if he learned a tusken raider was a jedi


Lived as a tuskan, yes. But he was human. It's an entire plot point in the comics that Anakin hates him, until he takes his mask of and shows Anakin that he is human. Krayt is one of my favorite characters, but he was just a human.


Video request:
You went over capital ship classes a couple months ago, but do you think you could do a video distinguishing between the different classes for smaller vessels?  Such as:

Shuttles/Attack Shuttles

Basically, the categories that can contain personal starships. I know the general difference between these, but I'd love a more in-depth look.


Ok, right into the video. Not even a chance for me to, “I don’t want to sell deathstix. I want to go home and rethink my life.” Great content, new sub.👍


I think it's so cool how the force reacts to other species in the Star Wars galaxy l love this video 😊


Honestly  disney plus needs to make a order 66 show where evry episode is a diffrent jedi either surviving or not i think that would be cool


Yoda: 🍿🍿


Red one is the best youtuber honestly. he goes so deep into the depths for every video. you deserve so many more subscribers. Love your vids


I remember this Kaminoan character very well, been around for many years, kinda strange you didn't mention that Kina Ha was trained by a rogue Trandoshan Jedi named Kras'Dohk, but that was the only thing they didn't change on her profile. It seems her origin info was altered, not sure if someone edited her info to fit canon or not(most likely). Originally she was trained by Kras, for who she also fell in love with. She had a vision of Kras dying in the Mandalorian Wars, begging for him to not go. Sadly he passed just as her vision foresaw. She moved away into Kamino underwater cities, grieving for his loss until the very end.


I have a star wars character book that says Colman Trebor the vurk jedi in episode II, was the only one of his species to have ever joined the jedi.


At the point he says eevee from Pokémon. YouTube stops and gives me an ad for Pokémon tcg prismatic evolutions. Funny coincidence


Ikrit, the bunny-cat. Kushibans are quite cute, but you probably shouldn't say that to them.