Judge Erasmus, you make us proud to be South African. What a gentleman. 🥳
What a caring, wise gentleman Judge Erasmus)
Judge is such a brilliant man and very respectful and doesn’t take nonsense wish they could get some like him for the SENZO MEYIWE case
I think she is confused with all the questions and not thinking with 3 ppl in her ear
Put Kelly and others on the stand
I comment Judge Erasmus....handling everything with so much respect and humility.
By the rate this case is going on, we can be glad if all of us will be still alive by the end of all. The poor woman is so tired so dont let us throw stones!
I just pray that the police are still searching for this little child - she is an innocent in all this evil.
Please Please ,allJudges should be made to watch some of this Trial ,the manner in which Judge Erasmus conducts a Trial is amazing ,I spent years in Courts I have never experienced such professional manners of any Judicial Court .
When will Kelly take the stand? This is going on forever. Really now!!! Where is Joshlin? The questioning is crazy, Renz was also on drugs and confused. Why focusing on her while the truth is sitting in the court with a big ugly smile?
Ons bid vir haar gesondheid en kalmte sodat ons het die waarheid kan kry wat met ons baby gebeur het en laat duiwels geen krag oor haar sal trek in Jesus naam Amen
It's amazing in such a high profile case the MrHarmse's paperwork can be so un-organise😮
Om vir 5 dae aaneen so ge kruis ondervraag te word en ineen te stort en hul hou nie op nie dis verskriklik dis hoekom mense nie wil getuig in n hofsaak nie sterkte Renz en dankie vir die informasie sover
Judge Erasmus is brilliant!
The interpretor for witness 204 does at times not interpret properly making the witness confused.
Interesting how you would never be able to tell by watching Kelly's behaviour in court......that ALL of this is about HER CHILD. Instead, she is making millions of notes like a professional lawyer without showing one bit of grief for her child. Like she went to supper at Spur. Wish they would put her under cross-examination very soon.
Renz can be telling the true ,but remember this lady gave a statement while she was on drugs .
She should have had legal representative from the beginning. Glad she is being presented now. Renz just talk the truth, it will set you FREE!
Judge Nathan Erasmus for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤ Thank you judge for being such a light ✨️ your professionalism and character that somehow shines through so that we as the public feel seen and heard even though were not on the stand. What an amazing South African man. Makes me so proud of my country, my people despite the difficult circumstances we face as a country❤ Much Love and JUSTICE FOR JOSLIN!!!!