Shivaratri is incomplete without sandeep narayan❤
I did not think such a beautiful sound can come from a human being. Im in tears.
sandeep narayan is my most favourite
Sandeep Narayan sings with power and truthfulness.
I cried at the end because this is mahashivrathri has finished and also this awakening event 😢
Excellent rendition by Sandeep 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😢
New gem added to my Shiva songs playlist :D
The girl sitting behind at the extreme right of Sandeep ji, the dark tanned girl is amazingly cool. Kudos yo your back up singers Ji.
ஆஹா அற்புதமான பாடல்
No words to express ! I am fully blissed out after hearing this beautiful song by this team.
Probably the best piece of music of the night. Sheer Bliss.
2:23 the music and voice 😮❤
Superb superb delivery...the best song of the nite What a tribute to the unknown underrated Tamil composer Gopalakrishna Bharati
What a magnificent experience 😍 Goosebumps and tears are inevitable 🙏
Superb superb delivery no words to express. ஈஷாயோகா குரு மஹாசிவராத்திரியில் இவ்வளவு மக்களை மகிழ்விப்பது சந்தோசம். இவ்வேளையில் கர்னாட்டிக் music க்கு தரும் முக்கியத்துவம்.அனைவருக்கும் மகிழ்வு தரும் சூழல்
A Great pleasure to live watching Mahashivratri 2024. This is best folk song by my side ❤️ #SandeepNarayansinging & isha sanskrit ...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
It was a magical night, thanks to all of you who made it happen, thanks to Sadhguru, I bow down to all of you.
God bless everyone.sandeep Anna awesome singing the whole team🎉.Ohm namah shivay❤