Day one player. Been watching you and jankz since before apex came out. I haven’t played Apex in over a year and it’s sad but it really just isn’t the same game I fell in love with. Hard to see you leave the game too but we all have to at some point. Don’t be sad that it’s over, be happy it happened.
Truly the end of an era, an amazing one, thank you Zeus
Man I miss the og days, watching videos with you and puffer. The game was so much fun back then
I feel the same way. Tried to play with a homie today and the lobbies were nothing but 3 stacked 100k kill warlords, you can't enjoy the game that way. Much respect to you Zeus for speaking out.
idk why it hurts so much seeing the game die. i started playing back in 2020 during the pandemic and quit about a year ago, i have over like 2000 hours in. even tho i quit like a year ago i still check up on the game to see if its improving and do sometimes miss it. Apex got me through so much. i had no idea about the dev change so i guess all the crappy decisions make a lil more sense. Apex season 1-12 were some of the greatest gaming moments ive ever had. So sad.
I almost feel like quitting too. Even mixtape lobbies seem to be getting bad. It's like nobody can fight without 3 people shooting at you and a Wattson with a full area set up, every round.
We're still gonna be here to support you bro. It's not just the game, it's the content creator that makes this community what it is.
bro Zues got fucking HUGE over the years! good shit my boy! hopefully we'll be onto the next thing!
Been watching you since your first Apex videos, Zeus. I was there when you organised the server takeover of Kings Landing where all the players assembled without fighting (save for one or two jerks) and we did all the crazy stuff. Truly one of the coolest things to happen in Apex. Watching you hot drop the OG skulltown game after game is one of my best memories in gaming, and me and my mates followed suit. Thanks for all the content over the years! I’ll keep watching you in SND (I switched from Apex to CoD a while back!) - I always enjoyed your breaks from Apex to go play WZ/CoD.
I appreciate you Zeus. I hope you’re able to enjoy your future games brother.
I used of play Apex daily for hours... Now its just once a month. They should just sell the IP to Epic games so they can remake it in U5 and and do legit collabs 😂
done myself too 10k hours 100k kills 9k wins wasted years for the game to die to cheaters
Sad…. Sad… day! I gave up apex 2 years ago, game just wasn’t fun anymore and the cash grabs killed it. Zeus you definitely made the journey fun
Mighty Zeus, God of Thunder from Down Under. We appreciate you and all the time you have put into Apex for our entertainment. Like others have said, this is not goodbye, but a see you on the next stream ;)
Love and been watching your vids since like season 3 or so man. Can’t lie I’m bummed tf out that apex is taking a nose dive but I wish you luck my brother, God bless man❤
sending love from olympus 💙
As you said, the games coming upto 6 years old. The team behind it has all changed. I think the thing that has caused the major drop off or disinterested is not listening to the community, and giving us stuff we don't want ( ridiculous expensive skins that don't feel natural) I have sunk days and days into this game. But like alot of people this past year I've put about as many games into it as I used to in one season. It just doesn't feel as fun anymore. Anyway, rant over! Ggs for all the videos man. 👍🏼
Thanks for everything man! When I first started playing it was your channel that really got me into playing. Been a lot of laughs and a lot of help understanding the game. Truly appreciate you and best of luck with everything
Such a shame this game has gone the way it has. I so enjoyed not only playing, but watching you as well. Sorry to see you move on from Apex, I'll still drop in to see you. Good luck Sir!