
That was 57 minutes of high caliber discussion. The clarity, the depth and the knowledge were shining through. No fumbles, no use of fancy jargon and no beating around the bush, this guy is like the commando in Hollywood movies, you leave them on an barren island with just a hunting knife and they end up creating a whole fort. One can easily see he could be anywhere and be equally successful.


Really insightful interview.

1. Use of reinforcement learning for trip prediction, grouping and route planning
2. Fixing choke points in Bangalore
3. Advanced seat booking to solve public transport utilization
4. Coverage of metro across Bangalore
5. Connect 2 metros directly on frequently travelled routes
6. Same pass for feeder buses


thank you for the Delhi reference, living in Bengaluru availing Routematic services on daily basis, thanks for sharing your insights


Surprised to see only 940 subscribers. This channel is meant to grow and it is going to really really soon. Kudos.


Solid taring of all roads , proper linings , zero potholes , tar all service roads , proper and paid parking solutions , block all unessasary digging on regular basic on tar roads and if some one is digging the contractor or company has to make sure they tar or fix the road in usual state once work is done . Penalize contractors and companies heavly who dont fix digging for any work. Stop patchihg fix on potholes which doenst sustain for a month . Once BBMP fixes only roads realated issues , half of the traffic problem of the city will solved . Vechiles needs good and smooth roads to drive safe and fast . Lets use tax payer money for something better .


Someone atleast discussing the solution rather then abandoning the land. These guys are called real INDIAN, Jai hind 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


I am born bangalorean witnessing quiet and lazy citizens. 
Now I cannot guess why so many people are on the road all the time and also why they are in a hurry all the time. People's mentality has to change otherwise even God cannot save us from Bangalore. I am tensed when I take out my Car even occasionally.
Planning and technology may be of little use unless our citizens follow some sort of discipline.


Was such an honour and a delight to host this chat with Sriram


What a podcast!! High quality questions and even better answers and prospective.


All thanks to guys using efficient softwares to the full potential.


Amazing discussion. Happy to see people discussing practical solutions using AI and not just using buzzwords. That's what made this discussion so interesting. It's the best use of one hour of your time.

The interviewer's way of explaining certain Japanese concepts in India terms was really well done. And using his personal experience to enhance the discussion made it feel personal. Great interviewing skills on display.

The rapid-fire round at the end was the icing on the cake. Way to go !!


Fantastic session. 
Outstanding details on how Tech stack is leveraged by Sreeram’s team to solve a never ending traffic congestion in our Big cities.


Great topic to discuss, thanks to Sriram Kannan for his candid views on AI liked the statement "Human Intelligence will eat AI for its lunch".


A Glimpse into the Future of Urban Mobility & Smart Infrastructure with Woven City. Sriram should make an attempt to visit at the earliest - it's bet on a future where cities are intelligent, self-sustaining, and deeply connected.


Nice discussion, topic is very important for common people,  presentation from the host side is very enthusiastic.


Traffic happens because all companies of Banglore opens & closes at same time.
Traffic can be reduced if companies are forced to open/close at 15-30 mint difference...


This episode was like Kalki movie,
Too futuristic ,next level.!


Extraordinary knowledge in depth from sriram snd kudos to the interviewer for pulling his best of best by best questions.


Wish ur channel grows faster .. these r content indians need..


Amazing... out of the box thinking for sure...