I love how much your relationship with your parents has improved ❤ And you are brave, Tina. Next chapter is gonna be amazing, you'll see!!
i’ve fallen in and out of your content a little bit but one thing remains is that i feel so happy for your journey and this video really touched me! i remember seeing quirky “don’t yuck my yum” chicken feet videos back then and u have come such a long way!! i hope this new chapter of yours will be so special❤
Crazy how I watched you search and move into this apartment and now I'm watching you move out So grateful I've been able to watch you ever since you were cooking in your parents kitchen 🫶🏻
Dooby, thank you for making your home the last 3 years, home for your viewers as well. It’s been amazing to see you grow and achieve your goals. It’s been a pleasure and honor to watch you progress. To wherever your journey takes you, I wish and hope the best for you ❤️ best of health and happiness to you and Kev !
love kevin commenting on how amazing you look in those pants. that was very cute of him.
This was heartwarming. Ive watched tina since she did her late night ramen series/cooking ramen from scratch like yearsss ago. So glad to see how far she has come but also how kind and generous she is. We are thankful for you tina/dooby!!!
Its very very nice of you to show and prove that you donated the money …. You are a special kind of girl ❤
Your videos have the special ability to make the person watching feel your emotions, it really felt as if we were moving with you after living somewhere for so long, got teared up at the end TwT really tho, thanks for showing so much of your life here and Seoul and Korea itself, never been there but got to see so much thnks to you, can't wait for the next journey :virtualhug::yougotthis:
I used to watch your videos in my parents house while I was in college, now I have moved out to another city and watching you in my own place. Feels surrreal, ATB!!
I was super anxious and depressed moving to Austria from London 4 years ago (and it's the same continent even!) But just yesterday I was thinking that now I have the life I wished for 4 years ago and everything is better: my financial situation, my independence, my love life, my friendships, and me as a person. You got this :finger-red-number-one:
I'm tearing up seeing how long the line is for you, Tina. Warms my heart - you are very much loved. ❤🌟
your parents and kevin helping you <3 made my heart melttttt. its such a blessing to have supportive parents and a loving and dedicated partner!! ATB TINAAA!!! Excited to see you and Kevin embarking on your next steps <3
hey tina, I still remem ber when your trip to mexico was cancelled due to covid and then u shifted to this apartment, although it was 3 years ago, it feels like a lifetime away , so much has changed in my life too, cant wait to see the new journey of yours just like i followed this last one for 3 years, good luck and prayers, also this apartment is so unique and different from all the other youtubers I've seen and one of the major reason I used to watch your vlogs were because of the aesthetic and lighting of the apartment
I felt rlly emotional watching this -not just because I had recently moved away from home, nor because I've been following you since your shorts in London, but really because I'm so happy witnessing how you and Kevin take care of each other. You both put so much effort into learning each other's culture, language, etc. You deserve the world!!!
I love that you donated to Baby Box!! I've watched videos about it and it had me in tears. Pastor Lee is an amazing individual and the volunteers who make it happen are so passionate and caring. Being a mom of 2, it fills my heart with hope knowing there is help for young moms and their babies when they have no one and nowhere else to turn to. Thank you for helping their mission!! ❤
I've made important moves like this and ppl would ask something along "oh you don't like (situation) anymore?" and I'd answer "No, I'm off to love other things too/more things!" :) puts a nice twist on "I'm not unhappy and I want to experience more"
This video was such a neatly packaged love-filled goodbye to Seoul Dooby! You video with Asian Boss for Babybox is one of the first times I ever watched you, much before I became a loyal subscriber. I am as old as you are, and seeing you begin your cooking shorts all the way to making these honest vlogs with stellar storytelling and music choices, you've come SUCH a long way. I'm so happy for you Doobs. Thank you for taking us on your early twenties journey in seoul, both the highs and the lows. I always felt like I wasn't alone in this. If there's something I want to take away from your content is to never stop trying, you always learn no matter what! I'm so happy for a world that you've introduced to all of us through your videos. This really is the beginning, 4 years with such rich experiences and only looking forward to what's coming. A early Happy Birthday to you and cheers to Mum, Dad and Kevin! <3
You handing pastor Lee the donation makes me tear up 🥲 thank you for doing God’s work Tina ❤️
10:40 and i have tears in my eyes I also wanna be courageous like you Eun So Choi So that when i look back i can be happy I love who you are.❤