
I developed an allergy to my girls, too. Long sleeves really helped, and washing my hands after handling too. I also had an inhaler. 
Also I wore a mask and gloves when cleaning their cage. That really reduced the respiratory distress. 
But it was worth the discomfort. Rats are seriously the best pets I've ever had, I really miss having the fuzzy potatoes in my life. ♡


I had the exact same thing and I already had asthma. Really exacerbated it! But my rats are so attached to me, whenever I open the cage, they love to just hop right on me!


I'm sorry, that really sucks💔 we always had cats when I grew up and I can't imagine after so many years of being fine, to wake up one day and be allergic to them🫤


Yes! I’ve have rats for maybe 3 years now and I’ve just started getting rashes whenever I hold them. That doesn’t stop me though.


This happened to me, a year or so into owning rats I got the rash and couldn't breathe. It got so bad I had to rehome them. I still miss them everyday. My Lil jack and bean😭


This happened to my mum back when i had rats, which was especially unfair because she'd overcome a phobia and gotten to really like them, only for her immune system to go "nope lmao go sneeze about it".


I’m significantly more allergic to male rats. With my girls I’m usually fine as it’s their urine I’m allergic to and they mark much less.


I am allergic and have 2, about to be 4 rats. NOTHING WILL STOP ME FROM BEFRIENDING THE RAGE POTATOES… I do ignore the reaction quite a bit 💀 but I try to only interact with them if I have long sleeves. Das about it tho lol


Awe that's rough!! I'm a dog groomer than had developed worsening allergies to dogs as the years have gone on. Life is weird and cruel that way sometimes.


my rat was given to a rescued from someone who was allergic and that’s how i was blessed w his little self


Im allergic to the point where i come out in hives! Even so, i wear long sleeves, plan cuddle sessions right before i shower, take anti allergy med when its particularly bad  wash my hands right after handling or doing anything with them, keep them in my separate craft room, and dont free roam on sofas or beds. This are all very easy changes to make, and i wouldnt give up my rattos for anything


Same thing happened to me! The hives were really bad and not helped by allergy meds (which I was already on for my allergenic asthma) so after our last rattos passed we decided our rat-owning journey was over 😢 so sorry this happened to you! 💔


Man that sucks! I took in 3 boys from a girl this happened to. She was such a good rat mom too and was so upset by it. She would come and visit but she would soon have to leave after arriving because it was so bad she would start not being able to breathe correctly. However yeah same thing, long term rat mom and then suddenly it was contact dermatitis that led into breathing problems in a matter of months.


I had rats for about 11 years, but the final 4 years of that I started to becomes increasingly allergic to them and that broke my heart. My last group passed away in early 2022.

My only advice is to give allergy shots a try. It can be very effective for most people.


Omg..my heart would break💔if I couldn't cuddle my Ratties anymore 😢


The 2nd clip is so rat type he looks so angry while eating


stop bc h would literally cry i could not live without my little ratties 😭


I almost died a couple years back from untreated asthma from my rattie allergy. I've got 3 rattos left (lost my heart rat tonight) and my allergies are well managed now


Yes after years of owning I had to stop as my partner couldn't breath.
I also got like this with my dog Sammy he was 19.amd in his last few years I came up like you every time I cuddled him.


We never had any allergies and after 2 years of owning rats me and my boyfriend developed contact allergy. It's not really bad and actually helps to know if the rat's paws are dirty or not, which helps to maintain the cage and exterior playground. Also it helps to simply not forget to wash the piss out of my hands or arms lol.