I have YouTube because of channels like these ones. Excellent work BBC. Very nice 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Unglaublich intensiv und emotional! Die Überlebenskämpfe im Tierreich sind nicht nur brutal, sondern zeigen auch die erstaunliche Schönheit der Natur. Vielen Dank an BBC Earth für diese beeindruckenden Aufnahmen
The battle for survival in the animal kingdom is always intense and spectacular. Huge thanks to BBC Earth for such an amazing video! Everyone should watch it to better understand nature and respect all forms of life! ❤
The battle between predators is ruthless. Nature is brutal, yet unbelievably fascinating.
I have never seen horses fight! So very interesting to see!
Every day I listen to Sir David's wonderful voice, because it is like the wonderful stories many years ago that my grandfather told me before going to bed every day.
Whoever mounted the camera on the pigeon Gave us a mind boggling experience 😊
It's great that orcas do the "beaching" or "intentional stranding." techniques with a team working. However, after doing a little research, i learned that when orcas lift their heads vertically out of the water to locate seals before hunting them, it's called "Spyhopping". I may use this as a question in a quiz on my channel. Thanks to BBC for sparking me curiosity 😇
I know getting into fights is never meant to be comfortable, but being a horse takes the hassle into a whole new level
How do they even capture such breathtaking shots? Seriously, I’m so curious about their process! Huge thanks to the entire crew, and deep respect to the incredible camera operators who make this possible!
9:03 Horse FIGHT 🐴 💥!!
That tiger is gorgeous
A thrilling and visually stunning episode! The battle for survival in the animal kingdom never ceases to be fascinating. I absolutely admire orcas! 🖤⚡🐋
0:38 Notice how them spider crabs move and look like bugs from starship troopers
Those spider crabs really said, 'safety in numbers'—until the stingray showed up. Nature doesn’t play fair! 🦀😳
You're horsing around with me!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
Who else was rooting for the black stallion?
i worked on the Elizabeth River Crossings. nearby, we had a pair of peregrines nest on the James River bridge. i was watching a flock of pigeons fly over, suddently an explosion of feathers in its midst, and a falcon flapped slowly down with its meal in its talons. so stunningly fast--i didn't see it strike, just the aftermath. incredible birds.
Nature’s fierce beauty is truly mesmerizing!